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Professional MPH

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What do guys think of this program-opportunities etc vs the Msc. I suppose the obvious is the Msc would be geared for research and potentially a PhD aferwards. But the MPH even with specialization (epi, leaders in public health etc) seems to be pretty developed and geared for the 'work world' upon graduation. Any MPH's in the U of C class or people thinking of taking this route?

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Hey Bearfuzz,


I can't really comment on the real world application of either, as I've just recently got my BSc and don't know anyone who's gone on to do a MPH (at Calgary or elsewhere). Your thinking seems to be along the right lines though - MSc for more of a strict academic/research focus and MPH for more of an administrative job, I would guess. Any Msc or MPH's out there to comment?


What do you hope to use your MPH for? Stepping stone for med or do you plan on developing a career with this degree? (this being premed101 I think I know the answer to this :) If it's for med, I'd look carefully into the "ease" of the program, my personal worst fear would be to do a masters, get relatively poor grades and undo years of hard work in undergrad - I think this may be more a reflection of your interest level/motivation though.


A friend of mine says that MD's later go on to get a MPH if they're looking to get into administration, and away from clinical practice; again I'd look into this to verify. So if hospital administration is your ultimate goal after getting your MD, a MPH may be the route to go about it.

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Yea the ultimate goal would be med school in the end. The MPH or Msc would be nice to do during residency but I don't have that opportunity so I will just go about it backwards. The MPH/Msc sounds good cause i'm really interested in the community med program and the idea that you can finish the CCFP within the specialty residency. That way, you can be an MOH or maybe a clinical faculty position etc. and still practice some 'clinical' medicine on the side. I like the idea of having my foot in a couple doors so you never really get bored. Anyways, I think the public health agency of canada right now recognizes the two degrees as essentially the same thing with of course the MPH doing a practicum and Msc a thesis but the same courses are involved. I think being an Epidemiologist or MPH is pretty cool if med school doesn't work out in the end too.

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