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I'm going to put some (figurative) money down on hearing back the week of the 28th. They would have had to pick the most conservative date to avoid the issues that came up last year. Or so I hope at least!


I hope so! I have subscribed to the Accepted/Waitlisted/Rejected thread so that with the first person to post in that I'll get an e-mail... and hopefully a bit of forewarning!


This is going to be a looooong reading week.

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Doesn't sound terrible at all. Once you know you'll be starting med come August, any sane person capable of taking time off would take it off. The whole undergrad -> med -> residency -> full time attending is a gauntlet run (metaphorically). Most of us have been working hard for 4-5 (or more) years to get to this point and will keep working hard come August...taking time off would be a blessing.


Yeah really. I know this sounds terrible, but if I get into Dal on March 7th I'm probably not going to bother looking for any employment at all this summer. And if I get in somewhere in May I may straight up quit whatever I am doing.


I'd really like to just enjoy the summer, take a couple small trips, exercise, maybe take a cooking class or something and enjoy those few months before I become a workaholic again.

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Doesn't sound terrible at all. Once you know you'll be starting med come August, any sane person capable of taking time off would take it off. The whole undergrad -> med -> residency -> full time attending is a gauntlet run (metaphorically). Most of us have been working hard for 4-5 (or more) years to get to this point and will keep working hard come August...taking time off would be a blessing.


Yeah really. I know this sounds terrible, but if I get into Dal on March 7th I'm probably not going to bother looking for any employment at all this summer. And if I get in somewhere in May I may straight up quit whatever I am doing.


I'd really like to just enjoy the summer, take a couple small trips, exercise, maybe take a cooking class or something and enjoy those few months before I become a workaholic again.

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If you had two weeks let's say, what would you do - go on some sort active, adventurey vacation, or do the resort thing where you don't have to lift a finger?


Depends on the person I think. I'd go with the active, "adventurey" vacation 95% of the time. There will be plenty of time to "not lift a finger" later down the road in life, especially (god forbid) if your health doesn't allow for the active vacation anymore.


There's something special about the human body pushing its limits...I guess that POV has played a big role in keeping my mind on medicine.

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If you had two weeks let's say, what would you do - go on some sort active, adventurey vacation, or do the resort thing where you don't have to lift a finger?


Depends on the person I think. I'd go with the active, "adventurey" vacation 95% of the time. There will be plenty of time to "not lift a finger" later down the road in life, especially (god forbid) if your health doesn't allow for the active vacation anymore.


There's something special about the human body pushing its limits...I guess that POV has played a big role in keeping my mind on medicine.

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They would get some serious entertainment if there was a way to track how often we log into dal and look at "Written Notification to Follow" with disappointment. If I worked there I would change the message all the time to mess with us like "Notification (written) will follow" and "Email notification to follow" just to see us panic!


As guilty as I am of the odd check, I think all the incessant checking is just vamping up my anxiety and if the news is bad it will make it even more disappointing and if the news is good it couldn't possibly get better so maybe checking is a bad thing? If I was more skilled with technology I would take the xkcd approach (http://xkcd.com/862/) and limit myself.


14 (tentative) days...not that I'm counting


(Mouse over the comic to get the punch line)

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Yeah, I've been checking as well... The funny thing is I have no idea what I'll do if I see "decision made" or whatever... Maybe I should stop looking!


If I get in, I've already committed to working in my lab again this summer (I love it there, so might as well!) but I would probably take a couple weeks of in August for a little vacation.

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Yeah, I've been checking as well... The funny thing is I have no idea what I'll do if I see "decision made" or whatever... Maybe I should stop looking!


If I get in, I've already committed to working in my lab again this summer (I love it there, so might as well!) but I would probably take a couple weeks of in August for a little vacation.


I'm temporarily locked out of mine - it wouldn't take my password, pretty sure I had the right one - hopefully they fix it so I can go back to obsessively checking every day....

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I'm temporarily locked out of mine - it wouldn't take my password, pretty sure I had the right one - hopefully they fix it so I can go back to obsessively checking every day....


LOL being locked out is good if anything. Now imagine being locked out and the decisions have been updated online. Now THAT would suck.

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