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lol that's what I'm doing now... I'll have to start prepping for Ottawa next week anyway I guess. It's annoying switching from MMI to standard though.. they are pretty much the opposite.


Yeah, in one you have to communicate keen interest, compassion, awareness, an ethical mindset and well-roundedness, while in the other... oh wait...


I understand what you're getting at, but I find "opposite" is the wrong word. I assure you that you can take comfort in knowing that your preparation for one certainly will help with your preparation for the other. All the best!

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lol that's what I'm doing now... I'll have to start prepping for Ottawa next week anyway I guess. It's annoying switching from MMI to standard though.. they are pretty much the opposite.


I'm with you - while maybe not opposite, I find them very different, and the prep very different for both as well. I am in Toronto right now preparing for U of T tomorrow and it's very different from what I did/do for MMI... the way you incorporate your own experiences in each is different, maybe even opposite, but either way the qualities that matter are the same for both :)


No time to sit and wait, got to keep on movin' (*sung in tune..*) :D

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hey DocT7


I recall you getting quite a few interviews...what's your first choice? Assuming you get a few acceptances...


Hi Neuronix,


This is a good question!! I am in province in BC and would really like to return to the interior (southern campus in Kelowna, really close to my hometown). That being said, I seem to be falling in love with every campus I visit, and I promised myself I would keep open minded until I had visited all the schools and talked to the medical students and found my "niche." Ultimately, it will come down to who chooses me (of course) and what my options are! I purposely remain "undecided" and will go by feel!


What about you? And everyone else? I could stand to hear a bit more about certain schools (Queens, being one of them!)

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I don't think there is even one of us with their mind set on initial acceptance, those 9 spots are just so few that I feel like everyone is biding for top of the waitlist and not acceptance, I know I am.


I have seen my fair share of pre-interview rejections and I have to say I'm just happy that I even got to the interview stage this year! Here is to the next 8 days of anxiety and good luck to everyone with other interviews (and not just because I want some waitlist movement either ;))

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I'm IP too! Good luck to all of us, IP and OOP :) 8 days is such a short amount of time. And since reading week is done now (for me) time will fly even faster! ... Until we hit next Sunday and time will absolutely crawl.


Yaay! And yes, I echo the same sentiment - all the best to everyone IP and OOP :) It's true, though - Sunday will be a long day.


What is everyone planning on doing this summer? I'm planning on working, but I don't know where just yet. I suppose decision letters will play a part in the plans, though.

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Yaay! And yes' date=' I echo the same sentiment - all the best to everyone IP and OOP :) It's true, though - Sunday will be a long day.


What is everyone planning on doing this summer? I'm planning on working, but I don't know where just yet. I suppose decision letters will play a part in the plans, though.[/quote']


I've committed to working in my lab again this summer - whether or not I get in I'd like to save some money, plus I enjoy it. I am going away for a week to a music festival so that should be fun!


If I get in I'll likely take the week off before school to get some things figured out and have a bit of a break... and if not, then I guess I will job hunt... everything is so up in the air! Cannot wait until the 7th....

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Admissions go out on March 7th? That's kind of nuts. That's Match Day.


You'd think that would be enough work for one day!


Haha yeah I realized this a few days ago too. A new class selected while the one four years up goes on to the next step of their careers. Cyclical and poetic :rolleyes: .

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