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Hey guys, quick Q.


For some reason I thought that the March 7 release date was made firm (from tentative) but going over Carolyn's e-mails late February it's clear that March 7 is still tentative.


So we have no guarantee the news will come tomorrow right?

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Can anyone confirm if our Banner ID # is different than ones we received last year if we applied in that cycle? My computer hard drive crashed 2 weeks ago and I'm just today realizing that I don't have the email with my Banner ID from this year. I emailed admissions to recover it, but the less time I have to wait tomorrow to learn my fate the better :cool:

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Just wanted to say I love witnessing the evolution of this thread... Hahaha!


The emails did say march 7th was tentative, but Dal has been so good about their dates thus far that I feel good about tomorrow being the day. I also would think they'd have to be confident in march 7th to have specifically said it in the emails we received a couple weeks ago. I'll just keep my fingers crossed I guess?

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Can anyone confirm if our Banner ID # is different than ones we received last year if we applied in that cycle? My computer hard drive crashed 2 weeks ago and I'm just today realizing that I don't have the email with my Banner ID from this year. I emailed admissions to recover it, but the less time I have to wait tomorrow to learn my fate the better :cool:


If I remember correctly there is a section on the application that you fill out if you have applied before with your old Banner ID. If you didn't do that step then you most likely have a new one and if you did do that step then it may be the same. You mentioned you don't have the email (from the Dal IT department I am assuming) but you may have the interview invite from Tracy Teed which also has your B00 number. I hope that helps!


Do we know if we will even need the Banner ID since they changed how we will be checking our status?


edit: I also have my Banner ID in emails about payment to Dal for the interview fee and one called "Interview Weekend Social Events", maybe you have one of those emails still kicking around?

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I kept having this horrible dream last night. I dreamt that it was Sunday (today) and there was a mad flurry of posting activity on here because Dal had released their decisions. I held off on checking for a while, and finally did, and I got in! Then I woke up...in my dream. So I was dreaming in my dream. And I thought to myself rationally, in my dream, that it was Sunday and why would Dal release decisions on a Sunday? But then I checked, and it was true, they had - and I got in - and then I woke up in REAL life and realised I was dreaming. This happened several times overnight, I was really glad when it was the morning and time to get up :eek:

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I kept having this horrible dream last night. I dreamt that it was Sunday (today) and there was a mad flurry of posting activity on here because Dal had released their decisions. I held off on checking for a while, and finally did, and I got in! Then I woke up...in my dream. So I was dreaming in my dream. And I thought to myself rationally, in my dream, that it was Sunday and why would Dal release decisions on a Sunday? But then I checked, and it was true, they had - and I got in - and then I woke up in REAL life and realised I was dreaming. This happened several times overnight, I was really glad when it was the morning and time to get up :eek:


A dream within a dream you say? We should make a movie based on this concept. I'm thinking it'll be a big time hit!

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LOL. I'm hoping to avoid dreams like that tonight. Going to suck back some sleeping aids tonight myself so that I'll be able to sleep before 4 am... been hard enough as it is the past few weeks, can't imagine what the night before is going to be like..

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LOL. I'm hoping to avoid dreams like that tonight. Going to suck back some sleeping aids tonight myself so that I'll be able to sleep before 4 am... been hard enough as it is the past few weeks, can't imagine what the night before is going to be like..


It will help if you try to take control of it. This is what I mean: yes, the decision will come out when it does, but check it on your own time and terms. Don't let it control you :) All the best!

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I keep dreaming that I end up somewhere on the waitlist. I think I'm more afraid of having to wait even longer to find out rather than outright rejection!


Vice versa for me. I wouldn't mind waiting longer if it wasn't an outright rejection. Of course, things don't work this or the other way.


Would cap a very organized app cycle from Dal's POV if they release their decisions tomorrow morning, as tentatively advertised.

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I feel like I did when I was 7 years old on Christmas eve... I would try to make myself go to sleep at like 5PM so that Christmas would come sooner. I've got an assignment due tomorrow so I can't really do that tonight!

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I feel like I did when I was 7 years old on Christmas eve... I would try to make myself go to sleep at like 5PM so that Christmas would come sooner. I've got an assignment due tomorrow so I can't really do that tonight!


Except you don't know if you're getting presents or a lump of coal in the morning. :rolleyes:

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