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Maybe (the person who we thought was an OOP rejection) is IP.


I doubt the WL is going to move that much this year (sorry to say so). It seems a few people with OOP acceptances are ranking Dal highly.


I suppose they really didn't reject anyone. That's why they didn't release WL numbers, since it would be shameful to have people with #50-55 in a 9-person pool.


Sigh, prestige.


Agreed. Doesn't look like a year of going well into the 20s on the WL. Despite this, I do hope for all of our WL'ers sake that there will be significant WL movement.


By the looks of things...most of us were indeed WL'ed. So aside from the 9 accepted, we're not really better off after finding out the news with no ranking.


Hopefully the number on the WL will be released later on. They could do that much.

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Just wondering, what are we basing the fact that there will be little movement on?

Because two people (gb35 and snoopy) said that it's their first choice?


I mean, I'm as pessimistic as they come with regards to things like these, but I can definitely acknowledge that 2 out of 9 people is game over. Also, how do we know that this didn't happen last year as well?


I still think it's safer to assume you are rejected, but let's not overkill here.

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They updated their site:


Application Cycle for the Class of 2015


It is anticipated that in each application cycle approximately 350 (300 Maritime & 50 non-Maritime) will be invited for an interview. The selection of applicants is based on the scores from GPA, MCAT, supplementary information and the personal letter.


Decision letters will tentatively be distributed the week of March 7, 2011.


Wait list letters are distributed at the same time as decision letters. Movement on the wait list depends entirely on accepted applicants declining our offer of a seat; movement on the lists varies tremendously from year to year and is completely outside the control of the Admissions office. Should you receive an offer from another medical school we encourage you to accept, as even the highest ranked waitlist applicant may not receive an offer. For this reason we are not providing applicants with their numbered position on the wait list.


Information regarding feedback to unaccepted applicants will be provided in the letter.



I wonder if this is referring to the IP applicants only.

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Just wondering, what are we basing the fact that there will be little movement on?

Because two people (gb35 and snoopy) said that it's their first choice?


I mean, I'm as pessimistic as they come with regards to things like these, but I can definitely acknowledge that 2 out of 9 people is game over. Also, how do we know that this didn't happen last year as well?


I still think it's safer to assume you are rejected, but let's not overkill here.


That, and the fact that they really tailored their interview invites to people who have connections with the Maritimes.

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Sure, but all you have is anecdotal evidence.


Listen, I'm bummed as hell. And I'm not really disagreeing with you here. I'm just looking for more concrete evidence.


As far as I can tell, we are no different than last year with regards to chances of movement. We're just unlucky enough not to know our position.

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I was feeling that we were making some assumptions based on a small number of individuals posting so I compiled. So far this is what has been posted today:


Accepted OOP: 3

WL OOP: 14


Accepted IP: 7

WL IP: 3

Rejected IP: 3


For us OOP panicking that everyone was waitlisted, we know 17 of 66! I too fear that everyone got waitlisted, but there are 49 people unaccounted for (6 accepted, 43...WLed?). I know, law of averages say that there should be a few rejected OOP posts but at this point assuming that everyone without an acceptance is WLed is just that, an assumption.


It kills me that I don't know where I am on the WL, but the very worst case scenario is a delayed rejection. If you are #3 on the WL and just don't know it yet you will get a very nice surprise soon! Basically...stay optimistic!

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I emailed them yesterday to ask them to keep me on the waiting list, and also asked if they'd be able to tell me the number of people waitlisted. From this forum I saw that people got responses from them...I didn't. Should I be worried that they didn't get it?

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I emailed them yesterday to ask them to keep me on the waiting list, and also asked if they'd be able to tell me the number of people waitlisted. From this forum I saw that people got responses from them...I didn't. Should I be worried that they didn't get it?


I'm sure they are swamped right now with e-mails/calls. They'll probably write you back soon.


What if we all e-mailed/called asking the number of people who were waitlisted? I know you're all as curious as I am :)

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Does anyone else feel like the interview was a kind of a waste of time and effort if we were all just wait listed, without any indication of position? Not only is really nerve racking to think we were all wait listed, but I just can't help but feel the interview didn't really matter for anyone but the first 9 OOP offered a position... and even then, their pre-interview scores may have been what made the difference. Ack. :(


I'd settle for knowing the range of the wait list.


Knowing is always better than not knowing! :rolleyes:

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