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I know they said you consider people who have been in the CF for 2 years IP but would that put you at a disadvantage from other IP students?


From the MMI samples on the U of C website, it seems the questions have nothing to do with the Alberta health care system or your personal experiences in Alberta. Is this actually the case or is it just for those 2 questions posted on the website?


If anyone has applied to U of C using the CF clause as IP ( the CF did send in a letter on my behalf to verify my status as stated in the U of C application manual) please give me some advice.


I'm just really stressing out because some of my OP friends have already been rejected (ie. didn't meet cutoff) but I've received no e-mail from U of C on interviews or rejections... Thanks:o

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If you haven't heard anything (and I'm assuming your contact info is up to date), then I imagine you made it to the file review stage. No-one will hear from U of C until at least a week from now. I understand the anxiety. I've been checking my status and my email daily. Its taken a lot of will power not to check every few hours!

Also I can't speak to Alberta specific MMI questions, but I would ensure you have a good understanding of health care in Canada in general, including the general ways provinces manage their particular systems. I'm thinking things like transfer payments, province wide vs. regional systems, privatization and other current issues.

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