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inspiring FRENCH newspaper article on motivation


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Imaginez un enfant qui, de peur de tomber, n’essaierait pas d’apprendre à marcher. Vous vous diriez qu’il a des problèmes, n’est-ce pas? Parlons de vous maintenant…


Votre imagination fonctionne-t-elle sur le mode catastrophe? Vous présente-t-elle des scénarios apocalyptiques chaque fois que vous songez à faire une suggestion, à apporter un changement ou simplement à vous lancer dans un projet qui vous fait envie? Combien de fois vous êtes-vous empêché de poser un geste parce que la peur de ses conséquences vous immobilisait?


Heureusement, vous n’avez pas toujours été ainsi. Imaginez si, au moment d’apprendre à marcher, vous vous étiez dit que ça ne fonctionnerait pas, que vous alliez tomber et que les gens riraient de vous. Vous seriez peut-être encore en train de ramper au*jourd’hui! Mais, heureusement pour vous, à cette époque de votre vie, votre désir de marcher était plus grand que votre crainte de vous ridiculiser.


L’être humain apprend par essais et erreurs. Il est impossible, si on souhaite grandir et devenir meilleur, de ne jamais se tromper. La vie comporte des risques, et ces risques sont bénéfiques. Ils nous permettent de tirer des leçons, de distinguer ce qui est bien de ce qui est mal. Les échecs nous permettent ensuite de rectifier le tir et d’enfin accéder à la réalisation de nos rêves. Celui qui ne se trompe jamais ne réalisera jamais ses rêves.

Vous avez peur de l’échec? Vous vous dites qu’il jettera le discrédit sur votre réputation et qu’il vous empêchera d’aller plus loin? Vous vous trompez : au contraire, il prouvera que vous ne vous contentez pas du statu quo, que vous vous posez des questions et que vous êtes prêt à courir des risques pour améliorer votre travail. Ce sont là, il me semble, des éléments qui, loin de vous plonger dans la honte, devraient vous encourager à bomber le torse et à vous sentir fier!


Alors aujourd’hui, le mot d’ordre est OSER. Osez faire ce dont vous avez envie depuis des semaines. Osez même si les chances de succès ne sont que de 25 %. Faites-le et arrêtez d’en rêver le soir au moment de vous endormir. Vous ne saurez jamais si ça marche tant que vous ne l’aurez pas essayé. Si ça marche, on vous félicitera (certains vous jalouseront en secret), et votre réputation aura encore grimpé d’un cran.


Si c’est un échec, ne vous cachez pas. Tirez une leçon. Levez la tête et partez à la recherche d’une meilleure manière d’y arriver. Un échec n’est pas la fin du monde. C’est une étape nécessaire à l’amélioration des choses. Il y a trop de gens qui s’empêchent de réaliser leurs rêves de crainte de connaître quel*ques échecs en chemin. Ne sacrifiez jamais vos rêves simplement pour maintenir un statu quo.

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Here’s my take on it (I’m not fluent in French, some of it may be kinda wonky, but I tried)


Imagine a child who, scared of falling, does not learn how to walk. You tell yourself, she has problems, don’t you? Now, let’s talk about you…


(here is when I’m a little shaky)


This next part talks about how one can make new things to be larger than they appear to be, almost apocalyptic. Like changes in your life, or projects you want to pursue. And the author asks, how many times have you prevented yourself from doing something because of the fear of the consequences immobilize you?


Happily, you are not always in this frame of mind. Imagine now, at the moment when you were learning how to walk, if you said it would not work! That you would fall and people would laugh at you. You may still be crawling today! But, fortunately for you, at this time of your life, your desire to walk was greater than your fear of ridicule.


To be human is to learn by trial and error. It is impossible not to make mistakes if you want to grow. Life is full of risks, and these risks are beneficial. They permit us to learn lessons and distinguish right from wrong. We can then correct our failures and finally realize our dreams. The man who never makes mistakes is the man who will never realize his dreams.


You are scared of failure? You tell yourself it will discredit your reputation and it will stop you from going further? You are wrong. On the contrary, it proves that you are not just settling for the status quo, that you ask questions and you take risks that will benefit your work. These, so it seems, the things you shame yourself with, you should encourage them, puff out your torso, and feel proud!


So today, the word of order is DARE. Dare to do what you have wanted to do for weeks. Dare even if your chances of success are just 25%! Just do it, and stop dreaming about it at the moment you fall asleep. You never know until you try. If it works, some will congratulate you (others will be secretly jealous lol) and your reputation will be increased a bit.


If it’s a failure, do not hide. It’s a lesson you should learn from. Raise your head and research a better way to get there. There are too many people who can’t realize their dreams because there are scared of failure along the way. Never sacrifice your dreams simply for maintaining the status quo.

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Here’s my take on it (I’m not fluent in French, some of it may be kinda wonky, but I tried)


Imagine a child who, scared of falling, does not learn how to walk. You tell yourself, she has problems, don’t you? Now, let’s talk about you…


(here is when I’m a little shaky)


This next part talks about how one can make new things to be larger than they appear to be, almost apocalyptic. Like changes in your life, or projects you want to pursue. And the author asks, how many times have you prevented yourself from doing something because of the fear of the consequences immobilize you?


Happily, you are not always in this frame of mind. Imagine now, at the moment when you were learning how to walk, if you said it would not work! That you would fall and people would laugh at you. You may still be crawling today! But, fortunately for you, at this time of your life, your desire to walk was greater than your fear of ridicule.


To be human is to learn by trial and error. It is impossible not to make mistakes if you want to grow. Life is full of risks, and these risks are beneficial. They permit us to learn lessons and distinguish right from wrong. We can then correct our failures and finally realize our dreams. The man who never makes mistakes is the man who will never realize his dreams.


You are scared of failure? You tell yourself it will discredit your reputation and it will stop you from going further? You are wrong. On the contrary, it proves that you are not just settling for the status quo, that you ask questions and you take risks that will benefit your work. These, so it seems, the things you shame yourself with, you should encourage them, puff out your torso, and feel proud!


So today, the word of order is DARE. Dare to do what you have wanted to do for weeks. Dare even if your chances of success are just 25%! Just do it, and stop dreaming about it at the moment you fall asleep. You never know until you try. If it works, some will congratulate you (others will be secretly jealous lol) and your reputation will be increased a bit.


If it’s a failure, do not hide. It’s a lesson you should learn from. Raise your head and research a better way to get there. There are too many people who can’t realize their dreams because there are scared of failure along the way. Never sacrifice your dreams simply for maintaining the status quo.


Thank you for translating, i was too lazy to do it :)


My favorite part is Alors aujourd’hui, le mot d’ordre est OSER... Faites-le et arrêtez d’en rêver le soir ...

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In my books u did a pretty great job :) Merci


I love the part "heureusement pour vous, à cette époque de votre vie, votre désir de marcher était plus grand que votre crainte de vous ridiculiser."


Here’s my take on it (I’m not fluent in French, some of it may be kinda wonky, but I tried)


Imagine a child who, scared of falling, does not learn how to walk. You tell yourself, she has problems, don’t you? Now, let’s talk about you…


(here is when I’m a little shaky)


This next part talks about how one can make new things to be larger than they appear to be, almost apocalyptic. Like changes in your life, or projects you want to pursue. And the author asks, how many times have you prevented yourself from doing something because of the fear of the consequences immobilize you?


Happily, you are not always in this frame of mind. Imagine now, at the moment when you were learning how to walk, if you said it would not work! That you would fall and people would laugh at you. You may still be crawling today! But, fortunately for you, at this time of your life, your desire to walk was greater than your fear of ridicule.


To be human is to learn by trial and error. It is impossible not to make mistakes if you want to grow. Life is full of risks, and these risks are beneficial. They permit us to learn lessons and distinguish right from wrong. We can then correct our failures and finally realize our dreams. The man who never makes mistakes is the man who will never realize his dreams.


You are scared of failure? You tell yourself it will discredit your reputation and it will stop you from going further? You are wrong. On the contrary, it proves that you are not just settling for the status quo, that you ask questions and you take risks that will benefit your work. These, so it seems, the things you shame yourself with, you should encourage them, puff out your torso, and feel proud!


So today, the word of order is DARE. Dare to do what you have wanted to do for weeks. Dare even if your chances of success are just 25%! Just do it, and stop dreaming about it at the moment you fall asleep. You never know until you try. If it works, some will congratulate you (others will be secretly jealous lol) and your reputation will be increased a bit.


If it’s a failure, do not hide. It’s a lesson you should learn from. Raise your head and research a better way to get there. There are too many people who can’t realize their dreams because there are scared of failure along the way. Never sacrifice your dreams simply for maintaining the status quo.

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Avez-vous des rêves qui vous tiennent à cœur, mais que vous vous retenez de mettre en branle de peur qu’ils ne se réalisent pas? Des projets que vous nourrissez au moment de vous endormir, mais que vous n’osez pas concrétiser une fois réveillé?

C’est bien de rêver. Mais ça ne sert à rien tant qu’on ne pose pas les gestes nécessaires à la réalisation de nos rêves. vos rêves sont beaux, mais ils ne servent à rien tant que vous ne les matérialisez pas.

Sur votre lit de mort, il sera trop tard pour regretter ce que vous n’avez pas entrepris. Commencez aujour*d’hui. Ça ne veut pas dire que toutes vos aventures seront couronnées de succès, mais vous obtiendrez un bien meilleur score que ceux qui n’auront rien fait. Que souhaitez-vous en fait? Ne rien faire et ne jamais échouer ou vous lancer dans des projets et en réussir plusieurs? Le choix vous appartient.

Que ce soit en affaires ou en amour, avez-vous déjà commis une erreur? Qui ne l’a pas fait? Une vie bien remplie devrait être parsemée de gaffes. C’est ainsi qu’on mûrit.

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