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MMI Strategy

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Just wondering what the consensus opinion is on how to start talking about MMI scenarios when you first sit down...


In the sample video posted on the U of C website, the interviewee begins by re-summarizing the scenario at hand, and then proceeds to set up her response. Should this be done for all questions or would it be acceptable to go right into the dilemma and talk about conflicting principles? I just think that reiterating the scenario isn't always necessary, as the interviewer knows the question and as it wastes about 30 seconds of your 8 minutes (which may be needed if you have a lot to talk about).



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I don't think it's necessary, but I find that it calms me down and helps me make sure I'm on the right track before I delve into my explanation. I tried practicing without re-summarizing the question out loud first and it was a mess for me... I totally veered off track and forgot what I was answering. So for me, it helps, but could be completely different for you.

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