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Advice on the logical course of action in my situation?

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Hi everyone,

I'm a long-time lurker, spending a lot of time reading and just amazed by the calibre of students posting here. Someone should write a book about an experience of trying to get into medical school one day - I'm sure they could turn it into a movie.


I'm posting because I feel that I'm standing at a crossroads, turning 26 (AB resident) this year, and I have to make a decision. I would appreciate any advice or additional information you could provide to assist in my decision-making process. Like most of you, I know I want to be a doctor (particularly a cardiologist) and the pursuit of this career is a strong part of my identity. Achieving my needs for self-actualization will require the achievement of this goal. However, I want to practice in Canada because I want to have the chance to serve the communities that were involved in raising me before I move on to other opportunities.



1. Masters Degree in Medical Sciences (something cardiovascular-related)

2. International Medical Degree




3. Work in a research-related position, start playing in squash tournaments, travel, volunteer, re-write MCAT and re-apply later this year.



Stats: UG Degree 1: 2.3/4 GPA over 4 yrs, UG Degree 2 (Honors): 3.93/4.3 over 2 yrs (3.8/4 OMSAS), (10VR, 11BS, 10PS)Q MCAT



B.Sc in Physical Sciences from U of A. 1st yr GPA = 3.06, 2nd yr = 2.37, 3rd yr = 1.8 (was really sick during final exams and still not well when I wrote my deferred exams), 4th yr = 2.0. Didn't do spectacular in the pre-req courses and then I'd take the next higher level course to try and improve the previous grade, which usually didn't happen. No real course-planning. Just took all the hard ones (Medical physics, CV physiology, Neurobiology, etc.). Wrote the MCAT at the end of final exam week in 3rd year (11VR, 8PS, 10BS, M). Wrote it again the next year summer while working full-time (9,9,9 N). Channelled a lot of my energy into exercise and studying exercise science in my spare time. Spent a lot of time on extracurriculars (president of a student group, SU committee member, hospital volunteering, Heart & Stroke Foundation, Lung Association campaign area coordinator) and the performing arts. And became emotionally compromised in a couple of relationships. Received a couple acceptances to a few European schools which I turned down because I had issues with their credibility and having to possibly learn a foreign language. I think I knew I wanted to go into medicine but was ok with going abroad (to the Caribbean) until... I graduated. Then I realized I didn't want to go out of North America for medicine, which my dad was advising me to do.


Took a year off to work where I realized that I wouldn't be happy with a regular job where I wasn't constantly learning in a field of my interest (related to the human body). Went back to school to give Canadian medical school admission at least a shot. Went to Dalhousie for a B.Sc Kinesiology with the attitude that this was my last chance and that I had to prove to myself that I had the academic ability needed to get into medical school (one of the reasons I didn't take the above mentioned foreign acceptances was because I wanted to feel like I had earned the acceptance on the basis of my ability). Classes were smaller, it was my first time studying away from home and I liked the environment, the structured sequence of courses and the material. Got a 3.96/4.3(=3.82/4 OMSAS) on a full course load. Decided to go for an honours degree in my 2nd (and last) year. Had a 3.91/4.3 on 11 courses that year (=3.78/4 OMSAS, 3.86/4 OMSAS if you subtract the lowest mark extra course). Graduated with first class honours. I presented a research study at a couple of conferences and had a poster for my thesis at a national conference. After finishing the degree, I wrote the MCAT in the summer, getting a (10VR,10PS,11BS)M. Acted in a play, went to a poetry recital to recite a poem I wrote. Applied at the U of C, no interview granted.


My dad passed away later that year. He had a heart condition, having had his first heart attack/cardiac arrest episode when I was in elementary school. He went for his heart function tests that day (everything was fine) and a few hours later, that was it. No warning. Nothing. I had given dad tips on the latest developments in CV health since I was young, telling him to ask his cardiologist about specific dietary changes and types of exercise, as well as new drugs that I had read about in journals. I taught my dad about the CV response to different conditions and explained the mechanisms behind the response. My dad was a key supporter in my interest in medicine and I was always interested in the cardiovascular side of things. I started to work as a kinesiologist in a clinic the next month while taking responsibility of my family (mom and two younger brothers, one of whom is attending university). It made me feel better to be helping other people. I did analyze my grief reactions, reading books about the psychology of grief, while ensuring I dealt with it on an emotional level as well. I did some physician shadowing (as well as shadowing/interviewing other health professionals including a pharmacist, nurses, ECG tech, exercise specialists & occupational therapist) in a cardiac rehab clinic. Obtained a cardiologist's reference. Assisted in the directing of and acted in a theatre play in a language other than English. Decided to write the MCAT again.


That WS was frustrating me, so I re-wrote it in the summer, getting a (10VR,10PS,11BS)Q. My timing on the writing date could have been better though, as I'd just came back from a month-long international trip a couple of weeks before I wrote it. My experience with the writing was interesting though. I think I spent more time studying for it than the other MCATs combined. And I was actually feeling test anxiety. It makes me think there may be a positive relationship between the perceived value of an exam, as defined by time investment in studying multiplied by a constant and impact on one's life, and anxiety levels. In any case, I feel I could have done better and am contemplating one last try because I can and it might help me with UWO.


That was last year. I subsequently applied to med schools for this year's entering class (UA, UC, Dal, NOSM, UWO, QU), spending more time on my application. No interviews. I've been working at a government job for the past few months (little intellectual stimulation) while waiting for the application results, which I've received. I'm thinking of looking for a research job or starting a search for Master supervisors, but I'm not sure.



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