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Where exactly is the MMI in Health Science Centre?

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Hi everybody, does anybody know where exactly is the MMI in Health Science Centre? Or which entrance we go to?



Thanks for the reply


The entrance is on the north side of the Health Science Centre. If you come off of 29th st and go west (onto hospital drive) you will be on the correct street. There is a parkade just north of the entrance and it has an overpass connected to the building that you should be in. once entering the building, if you go straight (south), you will run into libin theatre, which is where the main lobby is. there should be tables there and someone will greet you.


the actual mmi takes place in the medical skills centre, but you will be led there in a group.

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Right in front of my office ;) if I hadn't got an interview I'd be grumpily pushing past interviewees to go write my thesis.


There is a ton of construction in the front of the HMRB building right now which obscures the sign for it. However, it's easy to recognise as the building near the Trans Canada Highway that has a large newish parkade out front, a covered +15 walkway leading in from the parkade, and construction all over it including a crane. Follow krgregg's directions and you'll have troubles missing it.

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Yeah... it was Queens.


Charging $5 for lunch and not allowed to wear shoes.




Wow. That's bizarre.


There are other places to park as well. A slightly longer walk, if the weather is nicer: you can park at the strip mall across the trans canada for $7 instead. Or it might be free on weekends, I forget. I wouldn't risk it if it's muddy, but it's not likely to be. Right now it is quite dry, hints of snow, low slush. If you really want to hike, you could look up McMahon Stadium park 'n ride, but that's getting up there to around 15 mins walk... free parking though. There are also residential streets in the area which will have free parking... I'm not gonna enumerate where they all are because there are just too many.


The Lot 6 parkade is where to go if you are really not good at keeping snow off your pants though.

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Oh man that is devastating, talk about adding some extra stress...



You can also park on the street of Foothills Village - it is the townhouse/condo's across the street.


Street parking there is free on weekends.


jeez, don't be so specific, or where will I park on Sunday when I come in to work?! ;)

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