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Ugh...withdrawing from same class twice.

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Hey guys


So a while back (my first year) I took linear algebra, didn't do so well because I had no idea how to study properly, and pretty much had to withdraw from the class.


two years later, I decide to take the same class again (different school because I transferred), however due to a death in the family, I am just completely unable t study now. With so much going on in my family, I just find that I can't focus, and my studies have come to a halt.


Luckily, I wrote my other classes exams before this happened and so they aren't affected. However, I talked to my linear professor and he seemed very understanding, however only gave me a 4 day extension for the midterm and said there's nothing else he can do. The problem is right now that I just can't seem to wrap my head around studying anything right now as so much is going on.


How bad does dropping the same class look on a transcript? I already have 3 W's, and a 4th is going to look REALLY bad, so I'm just terrified of what might happen if I drop.


Thanks for any input guys.

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I have dropped intro chemistry twice myself =( I have managed to keep a 3.9 GPA though, so third time is a charm.


It probably doesn't look good, but if you can show that you can do well with full course load then it might be overlooked.

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Is there an option of petitioning the course at your school? I know that at my school, students can petition to have all records of the course removed from their transcript even if the deadline to drop a course has passed or if the finals are done....you have to have a legit reason and proper documentation to prove that something that was out of your control happened that prevented you from proceeding in the course or doing well in it. I think in your case, a death in the family is a reason that you can base the argument on and as long as you have proper documents to prove that, you should not have any problem with the petition process. You might want to check about that at your school.

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