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Would there be any impact?


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I am in Honours in Cell & Molecular degree, and suppose to take a few 400 level classes in additional to the core class.


Let's say if I apply to med and got accept, will it be ok to switch back to a major in Biology so I won't need to take too many 400 level class during my last semester? :rolleyes: Will the medschool take back their offer?


to be more precise, I am in biology, honours in Cell & Mol. To switch back to major is not changing a the major (like from biology to chemistry), but just simply cancel the honours thesis (Honours -> Major). So like, after completing the core, I could graduate with a B.Sc in biology, if I stay and complete the thesis, and two more 400lv class it will be honours in cell & Mol. But that would require another semester. It takes a a few weeks to complete the request to switch from Major -> Honours, and vice versa.


I am thinking not to take the research project, so, in case i don't get in medschool the first time applying, then I will have another year doing the research while waiting for retrying; but if I get in, I will switch back to major in biology, thus don't need to do the research thesis as well as a few 400lv courses.


Wonder if that would be ok

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Maybe you should send an email to the schools you'll be applying to.


I am in Honours in Cell & Molecular degree, and suppose to take a few 400 level classes in additional to the core class.


Let's say if I apply to med and got accept, will it be ok to switch back to a major in Biology so I won't need to take too many 400 level class during my last semester? :rolleyes: Will the medschool take back their offer?


I am thinking not to take the research project, so, in case i don't get in medschool the first time applying, then I will have another year doing the research while waiting for retrying; but if I get in, I will switch back to major in biology, thus don't need to do the research thesis as well as a few 400lv courses.


Wonder if that would be ok

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I am in Honours in Cell & Molecular degree, and suppose to take a few 400 level classes in additional to the core class.


Let's say if I apply to med and got accept, will it be ok to switch back to a major in Biology so I won't need to take too many 400 level class during my last semester? :rolleyes: Will the medschool take back their offer?


I am thinking not to take the research project, so, in case i don't get in medschool the first time applying, then I will have another year doing the research while waiting for retrying; but if I get in, I will switch back to major in biology, thus don't need to do the research thesis as well as a few 400lv courses.


Wonder if that would be ok


Well, people change majors all the time... I don't think that changing majors will matter. Most schools don't care about your major, all they want is completion of requirements like minimum 90 credits, full course load, certain pre-reqs etc.


However, if you drop pre-requisites that are required for medical school and don't retake them before the deadline the school imposes then you would be ineligible. If you decide to switch majors and it impacts your transcript (ie. a bunch of W's or F's or I's) then the school would see that when you send in a final transcript of completed coursework and may rescind the offer. If you drop below the full courseload this may also impact you.


If it's just because you don't like the particular major you are currently undertaking then that shouldn't matter.


I don't see how you are going to be able to switch for your last semester as the application process takes you from september to may (for most schools) and you wouldn't receive confirmation of acceptance until your last semester would be finished. Unless you mean to apply with your current major and then switch in the middle of the application cycle?


In that case I would say- call the school and ask, but it shouldn't matter unless you have some negative remarks that show up on your final transcript (noted above).

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thanks for your reply.


to be more precise, I am in biology, honours in Cell & Mol. To switch back to major is not changing a the major (like from biology to chemistry), but just simply cancel the honours thesis (Honours -> Major). So like, after completing the core, I could graduate with a B.Sc in biology, if I stay and complete the thesis, and two more 400lv class it will be honours in cell & Mol. But that would require another semester. It takes a a few weeks to complete the request to switch from Major -> Honours, and vice versa.


So, my question is, i am thinking about cancel the honours thesis if I get admission, and automatically receive a B.Sc in Biology. Will that be a problem? :confused:

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