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What are my chances?

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Hey guys, long time lurker but have been unsure about posting untill now! Love the forum, its so addicting!:)


I'm actually in a bit of a pickle - pun definitely intended haha :D . So I've always dreamt of being a doc since I was a little but I'm a little worried cuz my first year kinda sucks. I just barely passed first semester bio and failed second semester bio but I redid it in the summer and totally aced it (A-).

I also got an A in anthro of human culture and in Soc 201 so that was pretty sweet.

In youre experience, can I bounce back from a sub pare first year GPA if I score a 4.0 for my last 3 years? I know this comes up often on pm101, but I'm freaking out bad about this lately and it's sad but need some moral support:(


Also, I'm not positive how important volunteering really is to get into med?? I know that you are supposed to do stuff you really like and I just don't really like volunteering so what do you guys suggest. Is it really crucial and if so can you guys recomend something kind relaxed that won't be too much of a time commitment but will boost my app?


Thanks so much pleas help!


P.S. I know this comes up frequently but I am in Dire Straights here (pun intended hehe)

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Calm down, man. You've got a 4.0 in your last three years. I'm pretty sure nothing in first year is going to put you out of the game GPA-wise. I've never had a semester better than 3.8, and I passed first cut at half the universities I applied to (2!)


Activities sound like they're going to be your big thing, since it sounds like you haven't really done anything from your post. What kind of community involvement have you had? What jobs have you tried? Have you had any awards, scholarships, or research experience? The point of Activities should be to set you apart from the other applicants and show why you are an interesting person. It doesn't have to just be volunteering. My major activity is a job I held overseas for a couple years; supplemental ones are a ton of community involvement, Air Cadets in high school and early college, science fair judging, and owning a large internet gaming forum for a while. Almost all those things were thrown together from my experiences, not from a plan to get into med school. Do you have similar things, or were you mostly shut-in studying for undergrad?


Frankly, "I don't really like volunteering" is not going to cut it, I'm afraid. You are trying to set yourself into the top 1/5 to 1/10 of thousands of applicants across Canada. Just having a good GPA is insufficient, you have to do something to show that you belong in the cream of that crop. If you haven't got stuff you've enjoyed yet, you'll need to find something to do that makes you stand out.


(PS: we need to have a little talk about puns, dude)

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Calm down, man. You've got a 4.0 in your last three years. I'm pretty sure nothing in first year is going to put you out of the game GPA-wise. I've never had a semester better than 3.8, and I passed first cut at half the universities I applied to (2!)


Activities sound like they're going to be your big thing, since it sounds like you haven't really done anything from your post. What kind of community involvement have you had? What jobs have you tried? Have you had any awards, scholarships, or research experience? The point of Activities should be to set you apart from the other applicants and show why you are an interesting person. It doesn't have to just be volunteering. My major activity is a job I held overseas for a couple years; supplemental ones are a ton of community involvement, Air Cadets in high school and early college, science fair judging, and owning a large internet gaming forum for a while. Almost all those things were thrown together from my experiences, not from a plan to get into med school. Do you have similar things, or were you mostly shut-in studying for undergrad?


Frankly, "I don't really like volunteering" is not going to cut it, I'm afraid. You are trying to set yourself into the top 1/5 to 1/10 of thousands of applicants across Canada. Just having a good GPA is insufficient, you have to do something to show that you belong in the cream of that crop. If you haven't got stuff you've enjoyed yet, you'll need to find something to do that makes you stand out.


(PS: we need to have a little talk about puns, dude)


He said if he gets a 4.0 in his last three years of undergrad, not that he did do it :P


But yes I agree with what you're saying, really need to be well rounded, the high GPA won't get you in by itself. Huge help, but it's not everything

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