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Prayer time

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Just time to pray for me now.


Good luck dudes.


edit: I suppose I posted this awkwardly... it's not time to pray FOR me, but it's time for me to PRAY to get into UofT since I'm done my interview. This thread isn't about me!!! Wishing you all the best.

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Good singing, was impressed. Perhaps a bit funnier and less about removing the negative stereotypes of UofT... we all know they aren't true :). Check UCalgary's, had a good chuckle at that one.


Then again, who am I to judge. There's no way I could have done better. Some great voices in the class, that's for sure. I'm impressed by the level of diversity in all medical classes in Canada to be able to put up solid videos year and year again.

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Good singing, was impressed. Perhaps a bit funnier and less about removing the negative stereotypes of UofT... we all know they aren't true :). Check UCalgary's, had a good chuckle at that one.


Then again, who am I to judge. There's no way I could have done better. Some great voices in the class, that's for sure. I'm impressed by the level of diversity in all medical classes in Canada to be able to put up solid videos year and year again.


Congrats on getting U of T over with. Hope it went well!

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Good luck to you all:) After interviewing you guys it was clear just how competitive the applicant pool is! It took me about an hour to finish my scoring and ranking. Even if it doesn't work out this year, getting an interview at UofT is quite an accomplishment so you shouldn't give up on your dream of getting in! For those of you interviewing in the future, just be yourself, that's what we want to see!


Also, thanks for the comments on the video, we can pass it on to next year's team to make it better.

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the video was lols, great job!

maybe keep it a bit shorter next year? The student volunteers were also very helpful, found the school' s info sessions about campus and finance was a lot more comprehensive and informative than other schools I've seen.


awesome overall!


Good singing, was impressed. Perhaps a bit funnier and less about removing the negative stereotypes of UofT... we all know they aren't true :). Check UCalgary's, had a good chuckle at that one.


Then again, who am I to judge. There's no way I could have done better. Some great voices in the class, that's for sure. I'm impressed by the level of diversity in all medical classes in Canada to be able to put up solid videos year and year again.

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haha mine was 10

prob saw u at some pt..shoulda introduced urself :P


lol, but I had no idea who you were... was I supposed to introduce myself as HBP to everyone interviewing in the morning??



Did you feel it went better than last year HBP?


I suppose it's tough to say since I felt last year went well (hey, maybe it did because I got close...). This interview was completely different, but I also felt it went well. That said, average score is 16/20, so it seems a ton of people do well. Perhaps you can't separate yourself as much based on interview? Who knows, just hoping for the best. How did you feel about yours?

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lol, but I had no idea who you were... was I supposed to introduce myself as HBP to everyone interviewing in the morning??


"Hi I'm --- aka HBP...you may know me from such popular forums like pm 101"


glad you felt good bout ur interview :)

I dont really know how I felt bout it...yea seemed like eeryone in my timeslot felt it went well...

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I suppose it's tough to say since I felt last year went well (hey, maybe it did because I got close...). This interview was completely different, but I also felt it went well. That said, average score is 16/20, so it seems a ton of people do well. Perhaps you can't separate yourself as much based on interview? Who knows, just hoping for the best. How did you feel about yours?


Its good to hear that yours went well!


At first my initial thoughts of my interview this year was that it went pretty well. Compared to last year I definitely felt it was overall better. The main difference was that I was more relaxed and felt that I gave a better representation of who I was compared to last year. The main reason was that I changed my personal statement and included things that I wanted to talk about and I also was more relaxed since I didnt have to wait so long for my interview this time around. I also felt that I made a much better connection with the physician and I felt she was impressed by several of my ECs. However, over the last few days I have been kinda going crazy over a question that I felt I answered poorly and now kinda doubting my performance.


Like you said, its now just hoping for the best. Another 9 weeks of mental torture lol.

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Its good to hear that yours went well!


At first my initial thoughts of my interview this year was that it went pretty well. Compared to last year I definitely felt it was overall better. The main difference was that I was more relaxed and felt that I gave a better representation of who I was compared to last year. The main reason was that I changed my personal statement and included things that I wanted to talk about and I also was more relaxed since I didnt have to wait so long for my interview this time around. I also felt that I made a much better connection with the physician and I felt she was impressed by several of my ECs. However, over the last few days I have been kinda going crazy over a question that I felt I answered poorly and now kinda doubting my performance.


Like you said, its now just hoping for the best. Another 9 weeks of mental torture lol.


I hear you guys. Overall it went alright...but there were several questions I felt would have been better for me to elaborate on more (to clarify my POVs) in hindsight. Not my best interview, unfortunately caught slightly off guard (shouldn't have been) by a few things. That said, still did my best at the moment so we'll see what happens.


Was definitely exhausted from waiting for 3 hours to interview though. That may have pulled me down a bit (fatigue onset)...hopefully not too much.


Good luck to you and HBP. Hope the final verdict is better this year for all of us.

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