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Finance/Accounting professionals

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I am just curious to know if there's people with a finance/accounting background who have chosen to go into medicine. What changed your mind to switch career paths and what challenges did you face to pursue medicine?




I was a manager in the finance area for many years. I have a Bachelor's of Commerce from Mcgill. I felt my values and interests did not reach their full potential in the management / financial "industry". After re-assessing who I was and what I wanted to become I came to the conclusion that medecine was it. At 38, I quit my job, did my science pre-requisites and I am now a first year student in med-school (I will be 40 in 1 month).


It is a huge sacrifice financially (I have 3 kids and was making great money). If you have a family you also have to acknowledge that you will spend less time with them as you will be studying lots (science background or not).... On the other hand I am enjoying med-school and I am convinced I will enjoy my practice as a doctor. You have to fulfill your dreams to fulfill yourself!

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