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What do I need to take? (to get into Med School)

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Hi all, I am a high school senior and I have been overwhelmed by the vast number of biology and chemistry related first year undergrad programs at Ontario Universities (Western, Queens, McMaster). I am looking ahead to going to medical school, so I would like to choose a program that prepares me for medical school but will not completely kill me academically (as in studying 24/7, maybe just 20/6 lol) I DO NOT like physics, but would like to take a first year course so that I can at least have a general knowledge of physics. I am EXTREMELY interested in toxicology, pathology and anatomy. Is there a program out there that will be interesting to me AND prepare me for medical school (I'd also like to fit in an Orgo course sometime in my undergrad and Fine arts as an elective)? Thank you so much!! ALSO what year do you have to be in your undergrad to take your MCAT and apply to MS --- and what are the MS requirements at UWO, QU, MU or UT? THANKS :)

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You can take any program that interests you. People get into medical school with all kinds of degrees: not only your "typical" science degree, but business, engineering, arts, even fine arts degrees. You should choose something that you think you will enjoy studying (and that you think you can get a high GPA in - ie. a program that has plenty of courses in what your consider to be your "strengths" as well as courses that you will enjoy - typically people will tend to do well when studying something they like).


For the Ontario medical schools, you can check them out here:


and here (this PDF lists each of the school's requirements):



Plenty of people write the MCAT after their 2nd or 3rd year of university. Some medical schools allow students entering their 3rd year to apply, some require a university degree, and only a few allow students in their 2nd year of university to apply.

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I'd look into the biomedical science program at UWO, you can choose to specialize in Immunity and Infection, Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology or General Medical Sciences (I'm sure I'm missing some), or you can take a smattering of courses in the biomedical program. Also the program will allow you to take physics and organic chem for sure as well.

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Hi all, I am a high school senior and I have been overwhelmed by the vast number of biology and chemistry related first year undergrad programs at Ontario Universities (Western, Queens, McMaster). I am looking ahead to going to medical school, so I would like to choose a program that prepares me for medical school but will not completely kill me academically (as in studying 24/7, maybe just 20/6 lol) I DO NOT like physics, but would like to take a first year course so that I can at least have a general knowledge of physics. I am EXTREMELY interested in toxicology, pathology and anatomy. Is there a program out there that will be interesting to me AND prepare me for medical school (I'd also like to fit in an Orgo course sometime in my undergrad and Fine arts as an elective)? Thank you so much!! ALSO what year do you have to be in your undergrad to take your MCAT and apply to MS --- and what are the MS requirements at UWO, QU, MU or UT? THANKS :)


maybe biomed?

I'm a kine student and I find myself learning more about the human body and health than any of my friends who wanted the same things but were told to go into biology. Its incredibly different, and if medicine is what you want, id suggest a health major like kinesiology.

But for more science-based cores, biomed seems good.

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I'd look into the biomedical science program at UWO, you can choose to specialize in Immunity and Infection, Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology or General Medical Sciences (I'm sure I'm missing some), or you can take a smattering of courses in the biomedical program. Also the program will allow you to take physics and organic chem for sure as well.


Since you like pathology and anatomy, Pathology and toxicology, anatomy and cell biology are two other options for specializing offered at UWO..

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Well, like most of the other posters above have told you....it really doesn't matter what you do you undergraduate degree in as long as you take the basic prerequisites to have more options in terms of the schools you can apply to. You should definitely do something that you are interested in as well as good at. Don't feel that you have to do a degree in biology, chemistry, biomedical sciences etc. If there is something else that you are interested in and good at, go for it and you can still get into medical school at the end of the day.


Now...here is just my personal experience. I am almost done my degree so I am talking from my own experience....I think that it is better to do a professional degree like engineering, BBA, computer engineering/computer science etc. Honestly, if I could go back and do it all over again....I would not have picked a degree in the general sciences like biology, chemistry etc. I am saying this because nothing in life is guaranteed, sure I want to be a doctor and that is my dream.....but realistically speaking, what if I don't get in...there isn't much I can do with my degree. On the other hand, all my other friends who graduated with professional degrees like the ones I listed above were able find real jobs after graduating, enjoyed their life during undergrad and can still do whatever they wish to do in the future including medical school. I am not trying to deter you from doing a degree in life sciences or basic sciences like the ones you are looking at but that has been something I found from my own experience and thats just my own opinion.

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