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CDA Interview Question: Cracking Jokes

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So... how appropriate do you guys think it is to make jokes during the interview? I'm kind of on the fence about this since they can take it as "unprofessionalism" and that your not serious about it but on the other hand it could alleviate tension and maybe get them to like you more and better display your personality? Any input would be great. Thanks guys! :)

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So... how appropriate do you guys think it is to make jokes during the interview? I'm kind of on the fence about this since they can take it as "unprofessionalism" and that your not serious about it but on the other hand it could alleviate tension and maybe get them to like you more and better display your personality? Any input would be great. Thanks guys! :)


I would keep the jokes for the before and after interview (to take away some tension like you said), but just light humour nothing too deep. However, during the actual interview I would stay completely focused and serious.


Just like a Dentist - keeps the jokes for before and after the operation to lighten the mood but during the actual operation stays completely focused and serious.

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Ohhh dear... I had the panel laughing pretty good during the formal CDA part of my interview; however it wasn't from a straight up joke... I was the joke. I'll paint the scene...


I was sitting in a quiet place about half a Kilometre from the building where the interviews took place, eating some lunch and collecting my thoughts. Time 1:21... Phone rings... "Hello (insert name) where are you?! Your interview was scheduled for 1:15?" NEARLY DIE due to heart failure. Sprint to the oral health clinic. Suit looks haggard, sweating and panting like a fool... They asked if I needed a few minutes to compose myself or gather my thoughts. I apologized for my mistake and said that I would like to continue with the interview. Question number 3, “describe to me a time when you were in a stressful situation, what was the situation, what did you do, and what was the result?” Begin to chuckle to myself... “Well, there was this one time when I was late for my dental school interview...” By this point in the interview I had a pretty good handle on the interviewers and what they were about. I continued to tell my story with some good chuckles from the panel. After the “formal” part of the interview I apologized again for my mistake, and one of the interviewers said, “I wouldn’t worry about it, in this case it may not have been a bad thing.”


In the end I felt that the interview went quite well. It couldn’t have hurt that bad considering I did get accepted. Needless to say I wouldn’t recommend ANYBODY show up late to their dental school interview, cause when I realized I was late, I did nearly die...

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i wouldn't worry too much about making jokes. I think that it shows that you have personality and aren't just regurgitating answers that you have practiced for the interviews.


Of course, I say this with caution...a few laughs during the interview cannot hurt. If you go overboard, they might think that you are not treating the interview seriously.


In my interview @ UWO, i talked about using Skype and I added "I'm not sure if you are familiar with the webcam software". My interviewer (who is the president-elect of the ODA) replied "We are not that old!" and all of the interviewers and I had a good laugh. They are human too...so I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as it is natural :)

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If you want to crack jokes, first make sure you're really funny.


Ohhh dear... I had the panel laughing pretty good during the formal CDA part of my interview; however it wasn't from a straight up joke... I was the joke. I'll paint the scene...


I was sitting in a quiet place about half a Kilometre from the building where the interviews took place, eating some lunch and collecting my thoughts. Time 1:21... Phone rings... "Hello (insert name) where are you?! Your interview was scheduled for 1:15?" NEARLY DIE due to heart failure. Sprint to the oral health clinic. Suit looks haggard, sweating and panting like a fool... They asked if I needed a few minutes to compose myself or gather my thoughts. I apologized for my mistake and said that I would like to continue with the interview. Question number 3, “describe to me a time when you were in a stressful situation, what was the situation, what did you do, and what was the result?” Begin to chuckle to myself... “Well, there was this one time when I was late for my dental school interview...” By this point in the interview I had a pretty good handle on the interviewers and what they were about. I continued to tell my story with some good chuckles from the panel. After the “formal” part of the interview I apologized again for my mistake, and one of the interviewers said, “I wouldn’t worry about it, in this case it may not have been a bad thing.”


In the end I felt that the interview went quite well. It couldn’t have hurt that bad considering I did get accepted. Needless to say I wouldn’t recommend ANYBODY show up late to their dental school interview, cause when I realized I was late, I did nearly die...


Good story, although I don't know how you forget your interview time.

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If you want to crack jokes, first make sure you're really funny.




Good story, although I don't know how you forget your interview time.


Well, it's not that I forgot per say... It's more that I effed up... haha, When I got the e-mail stating my interview times, the morning session was scheduled for 8:45, and the afternoon session for 1:15. I transferred those times into the planner on my phone, but screwed up ROYALY when I input 8:45 and 1:45 When I got home after the weekend, in the mail was the hard copy of the letter, which i should have received BEFORE the weekend, @ which time i SHOULD HAVE double checked the times. Note to self... "Don't ever do something so stupid ever again!" :o

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