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UWO Waitlist

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also... my best two years average is exactly 91.2%... however, in one of the years I only took 4.5 courses... how significant will the penalty be for not having a full courseload? 91.2% --> 88%?


That's really shocking that you didn't get an interview, even with 4.5 courses. I guess we can infer that the penalty is huge-- perhaps 5-6% as most people who got waitlisted had averages of 84-85%. Are you a third year student/ do you think they may have used another year in the application process?

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That's really shocking that you didn't get an interview, even with 4.5 courses. I guess we can infer that the penalty is huge-- perhaps 5-6% as most people who got waitlisted had averages of 84-85%. Are you a third year student/ do you think they may have used another year in the application process?


I think he's referring to waitlist to acceptance.


As to OP, don't sweat too much. They said it's a SLIGHT penalty. What's your idea of slight? Certainly not 3% lol

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I thought the ratio of interviews to acceptances would be set previously.


yes it is. but when someone sends their scores in, uwo can interview another person. they will already have the interview teams set with all their timeslots so mind as well fill them up with POTENTIAL DENTISTS

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Good luck!, did you find out by email?


Yep. It was this past Thursday, around 5 o'clock. I imagine they send them out at the end of the day if that day they got a cancellation or somebody sent in their scores.


Has anyone else received an interview off the waitlist? I did notice 1 or 2 other timeslots disappear on the interview time reservation page.

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