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What schools should I apply to?

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Hi everyone,


I have now started to look at options for applying to american schools.


Here are my stats:


cGPA (AMCAS) = 3.69 with a strong upward trend


MCAT - writing this summer


EC's: 3 years research, 1 year IT job, 1 year fast food job, 1 year hospital volunteering, 3 years of active member in a school club, one small published paper, 1 published abstract and 1 oral presentation at a research conference.....and few other things here and there.


Note: I did all the prerequisites except organic chemistry and english....I am assuming that I would have to go back to take those courses.....not sure what to do about this at this point though (debating whether to take these courses or not etc etc).


So, I guess my question has two parts:


1. Do I have a chance at US schools (MD schools, not DO)?


2. If so, what schools should I apply to?



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GPA looks decent

Aim for MCAT > 33 and you should be able to get into most US schools you apply to (except iveys)


But with those strong last 2 years GPA, you should aim for Canadian schools that have grade forgiveness policies (Queens and Western) comes into mind

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GPA looks decent

Aim for MCAT > 33 and you should be able to get into most US schools you apply to (except iveys)


But with those strong last 2 years GPA, you should aim for Canadian schools that have grade forgiveness policies (Queens and Western) comes into mind


Thanks deathvvv! I will be applying to Canadian schools as well but would to apply broadly...so a mix of Canadian and American schools is what I am aiming for.


Any other input from others on this forum?



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