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Good lunch for no nap?

Guest squeegy80

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Guest squeegy80

I always feel like taking a nap at work at around 3pm. Although I'm sure the adrenaline will take care of most of that, are there any nutrition experts here who have suggestions for an MCAT lunch that will reduce the effect of the food on my level of tiredness?? More protein? More carbs? More fruit/veggies? A sample meal would be great too :)




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Guest studentz

The apple flavoured Vector bars are pretty good. Don't have a very big lunch (I don't know anyone who isn't sleepy after eating a big meal)

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Guest seonagh

Not an expert or a professional, just someone that has problems with blood glucose levels :) . For most people, more protein helps, a decently high amount of fat should also help. Avoid sugar or white flour. Fibre is also good.


Personally for a power lunch that would stay with me I would have a grilled chicken breast and a half a sweet potato with a glass of milk or some unsweetened yogurt. Then for the 10 minute break I would knock back a half a protein bar or ready to drink protein shake or some apple slices with peanut butter.


A good breakfast with protein in it like an omlette made with one egg and 3 egg whites with old fashioned oatmeal and milk (no sugar but maybe some raisins) would help a lot with the afternoon crash as well acutally.



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