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Worried About My Summer Courses


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I would like to apply to med school with the hopes of making it in after I complete my third year. However, I started school this January (spring semester), which means to be ready to write my MCATs after the second year, I need to do a semester of school in the summer to get myself on track with the majority of people who start school in September.


My concern is that some of you have posted that certain schools don't count factor your summer courses into your GPA. Is that going to negatively effect my admissions or have I totally misunderstood what I'm reading?

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Others will probably know better than I do, but I believe that UBC is the only school that will admit you based on credit hours rather than sept-april years in school. Unfortunately, that is to say that UBC is the only school that would consider you for 2013 admission (which is your intention if I understand correctly), because one year undergrad has to be sept-april to "count". So generally, 2.5 years + 1 semester's worth of summer courses =/= 3 years undergrad for the sake of admissions.

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Most schools do not count the grades you get in summer courses for the calculation of your GPA but they take the credits or prerequisites you completed during the summer session into consideration.....so there is nothing to worry about with regards to summer courses. If you want/need to take summer courses, go for it......but make sure to put in the effort into those summer courses as they tend to be quite condensed at most schools and should not be taken lightly.


Good luck!

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