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Applying to US Schools - Rewriting MCAT

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Hi guys,


After reading the FAQ for applying to US medical schools, I have a few questions regarding my MCAT score and how it comes into play in my application.


I wrote the MCAT for the first time last year, and got a 13/8/13/Q. (-_-') So I plan to rewrite this mid-July, hoping to improve my verbal score.


However, the problem is if I write in mid July, get back the scores in mid August, then by the time my secondary is marked complete will be almost September, which is a little late... So I was wondering if there are any ways to get around this.


Is my only option writing the MCAT earlier? Or are there other ways to complete my application a little earlier?


Thank you so much! (Sorry if this question has already been answered before)

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Your score now is good for most of the low tiers (wayne, cms, gwu, georgetown etc), unlike CAD schools, they dont care about an 8 in verbal as long as your composite is good.


My advice: apply to low tiers now, submit your score, once you get your new MCAT back, assuming its better, apply to the mid and top tiers and you should be golden. Also, telling us your GPA would help


Hi guys,


After reading the FAQ for applying to US medical schools, I have a few questions regarding my MCAT score and how it comes into play in my application.


I wrote the MCAT for the first time last year, and got a 13/8/13/Q. (-_-') So I plan to rewrite this mid-July, hoping to improve my verbal score.


However, the problem is if I write in mid July, get back the scores in mid August, then by the time my secondary is marked complete will be almost September, which is a little late... So I was wondering if there are any ways to get around this.


Is my only option writing the MCAT earlier? Or are there other ways to complete my application a little earlier?


Thank you so much! (Sorry if this question has already been answered before)

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Thanks for your advice. My cGPA right now is 3.7, sGPA is probably 3.74 (I haven't calculated it exactly, but it's around there). After this semester, it might go up by 0.02 points, if the finals go well lol.


its def worth a shot to apply to some of the schools suggested by dvvv!

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Stat wise


I would say you can add Northwestern and Case to your list, if you apply early. If you wrote MCAT multiple times, wisconsin and BU would be good choices as well. If you are lucky, some reach schools like Duke, Vandy and Emory may show you love as well.


its def worth a shot to apply to some of the schools suggested by dvvv!
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You have the option of putting your application "on hold" until further MCAT scores are received. I would advise against this since being early gives you quite an edge. What I would do is go ahead and apply early to the schools the above posters have listed. Your new MCAT scores are automatically sent to your schools regardless of whether you want them sent or not - this will happen in August for a July MCAT - hopefully you will be completely done your secondaries by this time (and you can add some higher tier schools if your MCAT fits and you haven't already done so). You shouldn't get screened out at many schools based on your previous MCAT - so your new MCAT will just be (hopefully) icing on the cake of an already completed application. If your scores are strong, it wouldn't hurt to e-mail your schools an update giving them a heads up that your new scores are on their way and how much you're in love with their school etc.


Just my 2 cents. I was in a similar situation last year and am fortunate to have a couple acceptances this year. Good luck!

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Speaking from experience, a large proportion of schools will delay your application until your new scores are released, even if your older scores are valid and meet their cutoffs, and even if you ask them. For instance, I applied early with a 32 MCAT and at the time was waiting to write an August MCAT with scores coming in for September. Although my scores were competitive enough at Einstein (AECOM), the school refused to look at my application until September, even though I submitted my secondary in early July.


However, it is true that some schools will give you the option of looking at your scores right away. For me, Boston University was a good example of this, and I have been fortunate to get an acceptance from them this year. I'd definitely recommend applying there.


Still others will let you tell them to either look at your most immediate score, or to wait for the upcoming score, with the caveat that if they deny you based on your first score, they will not re-review your application regardless of how well you do on the MCAT the second time around. An example of this school for me was Pritzker (U Chicago).


Hope this helps.

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