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For Those Who Had An Interview at UofT This Year

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UofT 2011 interviewees,


I'm looking for someone who has completed their dental interview at UofT this year to help me with my interview prep. The candidate must remember the questions they were asked, be willing to discuss the questions, conduct mock interviews and provide feedback, and is able to meetup somewhere in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). I realize that everyone is busy with exams right now, so I'm willing to offer $250 cash for two hours of your help. If interested, please send me a private message.


Thank You

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Haha that is what I was going to say.

I don't think people who had interviews at u of t would be willing to help you because odds are they also have interviews at uwo, and you're competing with them for their spot.

Try a first year dental student- that would probably work better

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