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Role playing

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Hi guys,


I just had a question concerning the role-playing. Are we supposed to introduce ourselves (shake hands) and then go into the role-playing, or just walk right in there and go into the role-playing scenario?


Also, I've been reading some posts from the Queens thread and I think I read somewhere that in their MMI, you're not supposed to introduce yourself at all. Is this the same for McMaster?


Thanks for your help!

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I entered the room, shook hands with the judge and gave him my sticker (it has your name on it, they need it to put on your file). Then I sat down, turned to the actress and began the scenario. As far as I know there was nothing saying you couldn't interact with the judge, and he didn't withdraw his hand or anything.


All in all though, don't stress out over it! I would say that when in doubt, introduce yourself and shake hands. However, in the end it's all about going with the flow.

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If this is a station in the MMI, I'd more likely err on the side of caution and be as polite as possible.


Walk in, introduce yourself and shake hands with the evaluator and actor/actress. Give the evaluator your sticker, and they'll most likely tell you to proceed. Then get to work with the patient. Thank them both afterward.



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