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Hey there! I know sometimes it seems odd to gauge how long an answer should be but I think a good rule of thumb is to consider that it is one of SEVERAL questions they will ask you, so going on for 8 minutes via MMI style would not be advised....but I wouldn't say your answer to "Tell me about yourself" should only be a minute. When I answered those types of questions. I took 10 seconds to formulate my main points in my head and gave each main point about a minute (with obvious sub-details and examples). So when I was talking about myself I hashed out a answer that was 3-4 minutes long. Take cues from your interviewers as well, and make sure you aren't repetitive or roundabout especially when answering a question that has a pretty simple answer (not the "Tell me about yourself" one).

Length though is a matter of communication style though, so some people may take 5 while others take 2. Just make sure you say what you really want to say and get to the point within a reasonable amount of time.


Good luck this weekend we're excited to see you guys!:)

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How long should my answers be? I'm mainly concerned about the more open ended questions such as "tell me about yourself", and what do you think of blah blah blah... It seems like I can go on for 10 minutes, or compress everything down to a couple of minutes... =\


My longest answer will be the "tell me about yourself", right now i'm aiming at around 4 mins. Every other question should not be longer than 2 or 3. The interviewers have had a long day, some of them will be exhausted, so their attention span might be longer than 2 minutes. Like Rosie said, take your cue from the interviewers and try to read their body language.

Good luck! I'm interviewing sunday morning.....:confused:

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