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Laying out all my cards here (advice/help thread)

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I might as well lay out all my cards here, in the hopes of getting some help/advice.


I am finishing my 2nd year of business at a small university and was accepted into a big ontario university for two different programs (business and biology.) I want to go to a bigger school cause of the culture that is there. I would assume a big university there are alot other people who are more motivated like myself to do well.


I am trying to decide which program should I take, I want to study medicine however I am worried that i might not make it.


I really dunno what I should do, everyone is saying that medschool or dental school are so hard to get into however it is what I want to do. My dentist even told my mom that it is very hard to get into dentistry and I need a 90+ avg which i thought was a bit of an over exaggeration. And my mom who is one of the only people i can count on to believe in me is now saying that she does think i can do it, get into dentistry or medicine.


i only got an 80 and 81 percent in 1st year biology and chemistry, for 1st semester still completing the 2nd half of the courses. I have a low 80% average. Should I give up on medicine or should I go into business?


I would really appreciate any help/advice

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are you able to major in bio and minor in business?

if bio is not working out, then you could probably switch to a business major without much trouble... plus, if applying to med school doesn't work out, aren't there professional business schools that don't require a business degree? (i.e. McMaster DeGroote, Ottawa)

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are you able to major in bio and minor in business?

if bio is not working out, then you could probably switch to a business major without much trouble... plus, if applying to med school doesn't work out, aren't there professional business schools that don't require a business degree? (i.e. McMaster DeGroote, Ottawa)


I could always get a MBA or Msc in management or even go back to my current small university to finish my BBA however it would be costly and take more years of not earning any money.


and I can't spend my whole life chasing this dream of becoming a doctor cause soon I will be having to be working so i that can take care of my mom and dad when they get too old to work.

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well no one here is going to be able to tell you what to do... if you think you can get the marks, mcat, application, to get into med school, and it is your dream, for go for it... if you don't want to risk 'wasting' a few extra non-earning years pursuing medicine, you don't have to (although if you want to do it more than anything, there is always a way to get in - if not Canada, US... if not US, overseas)


in terms of what it will take to get into med school in Canada, in a nutshell: essentially straight A's (or if not, two solid years), a good mcat, competitive application in terms of volunteer/extracurricular/research experience, and the ability to sell yourself on paper and in the interview


no one can tell you which direction to go on... it depends on your own determination, academic and other abilities, how confident you are in your abilities, how you value and weigh different factors of your life, goals, etc..

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in terms of what it will take to get into med school in Canada, in a nutshell: essentially straight A's (or if not, two solid years), a good mcat, competitive application in terms of volunteer/extracurricular/research experience, and the ability to sell yourself on paper and in the interview


no one can tell you which direction to go on... it depends on your own determination, academic and other abilities, how confident you are in your abilities, how you value and weigh different factors of your life, goals, etc..


This was a pretty good summary.

OP: business degree with prereqs on the side, if it turns out that your grades are competitive?

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