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I'm in grade 12 and I'm deciding on schools for next yr. Would having 2 degrees give you an advantage when applying for med school? or not really? I've narrowed down my options to 2 programs. What do you think?


1. Mcmaster: Life Science (BSc) and then maybe apply to the physician's assistant program 3rd yr


2. UWO: Biological & Medical Science (Bach Med Sci deg) All 4 yrs while completing an Ivey Business Administration (Honours Business Administration deg) 3,4,5th yr

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I'm in grade 12 and I'm deciding on schools for next yr. Would having 2 degrees give you an advantage when applying for med school? or not really? I've narrowed down my options to 2 programs. What do you think?


1. Mcmaster: Life Science (BSc) and then maybe apply to the physician's assistant program 3rd yr


2. UWO: Biological & Medical Science (Bach Med Sci deg) All 4 yrs while completing an Ivey Business Administration (Honours Business Administration deg) 3,4,5th yr


Hi Rocha. The best advice I can give you is to stick with one degree, what matters is that you succeed in it. Which degree program are you most interested? I'd be very surprised if anyone here would advise you to pursue a second degree as I would argue it to be a waste of time if you are set on med and have done well in your first degree. As well, it takes considerable effort to do well in your first degree and you may not want to do any further schooling besides medical school after your first degree. After all, undergrad can be very hard work especially if you want competitive grades for med school.

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I'm in grade 12 and I'm deciding on schools for next yr. Would having 2 degrees give you an advantage when applying for med school? or not really? I've narrowed down my options to 2 programs. What do you think?


1. Mcmaster: Life Science (BSc) and then maybe apply to the physician's assistant program 3rd yr


2. UWO: Biological & Medical Science (Bach Med Sci deg) All 4 yrs while completing an Ivey Business Administration (Honours Business Administration deg) 3,4,5th yr


Although both of those are tough programs, I'd go with UWO just because of their grading system, it puts you at an advantage.

Mac is really hard, I know this girl who had a 90 average in high school, went to mac's life sci and studied day and night only to get a 70 average.... i actually went on OUAC and accepted my offer to york when i heard that story

If I were you, I'd apply to york or ryerson right now (they still accept you i applied to mcmasters life sci at the beginning of march and got accepted within 4 days...same with ryerson). If you go somewhere like UWO or Mac you're gonna have a much harder time getting a high GPA. Also at those schools everyone's smart so you're at a disadvantage for grade curving... while at york they'll take practically anyone so you'll be more likely to be at the top percentile of the class

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UWO med sci + ivey is a good way to keep your options open. although ivey won't help you get into medicine, and it'll be difficult to get over an 85 in any ivey class because of their grading system (they fix the average at 80 or 82 depending on what year you're in), it is a really good degree and could lead you to a great job in business. Plus, you only start ivey after 2nd year, so if at that point you decide you don't like science and want to do other things, it's nice to have that option, or you can just stick with science and not go into ivey after 2nd year as well.

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Although both of those are tough programs, I'd go with UWO just because of their grading system, it puts you at an advantage.

Mac is really hard, I know this girl who had a 90 average in high school, went to mac's life sci and studied day and night only to get a 70 average.... i actually went on OUAC and accepted my offer to york when i heard that story

If I were you, I'd apply to york or ryerson right now (they still accept you i applied to mcmasters life sci at the beginning of march and got accepted within 4 days...same with ryerson). If you go somewhere like UWO or Mac you're gonna have a much harder time getting a high GPA. Also at those schools everyone's smart so you're at a disadvantage for grade curving... while at york they'll take practically anyone so you'll be more likely to be at the top percentile of the class


not alot of people seem to understand this concept, that although York is not as "prestigious" as other schools, I rather A/A+ at york than C/B at any other school. Atleast I still have a chance, you know? But if you think you can excel at these schools, then thats a different story.

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not alot of people seem to understand this concept, that although York is not as "prestigious" as other schools, I rather A/A+ at york than C/B at any other school. Atleast I still have a chance, you know? But if you think you can excel at these schools, then thats a different story.


what program are you in?

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Aren't you in kin, though? The program is really good...I suspect that the level of difficulty for kin specifically is on par with most other schools. We have some pretty well known faculty members!


we? kine as well?? :) and yeah the kine program is great at York but apparently so is UWOs.

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Nope, I'm psych! I've taken some kin courses though and am familiar with the faculty. And yes, I've heard good things about UWO's program as well. Depends on what the OP is looking for I guess...UWO/Mac have really small programs while York's is larger.


It's a lot of fun! I feel like it's one of the most underrated programs out there.

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I'm in grade 12 and I'm deciding on schools for next yr. Would having 2 degrees give you an advantage when applying for med school? or not really? I've narrowed down my options to 2 programs. What do you think?


1. Mcmaster: Life Science (BSc) and then maybe apply to the physician's assistant program 3rd yr


2. UWO: Biological & Medical Science (Bach Med Sci deg) All 4 yrs while completing an Ivey Business Administration (Honours Business Administration deg) 3,4,5th yr


the physician's assistant program is pass/fail..you can't really use it to get into medicine

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the physician's assistant program is pass/fail..you can't really use it to get into medicine


Ya, if you apply to Uot and try to get their wgpa, your screwing your self over like that ( I am assuming because pass/ or fail courses are dropped first) but why not just do life sci and aim for med school, it will be more realistic and mcmaster even has a real nuclear reactor on site, maybe if you wanted you could branch out your major to something more in your interest. Trust me on this last statement, UWO and MAC are both really great school to do your undergrad, but once you enter your first year you will find out what type of courses you enjoy more, so don't get worked up on this majors and stuff.


P.S I would definitely go to Mcmaster

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Mac is really hard, I know this girl who had a 90 average in high school, went to mac's life sci and studied day and night only to get a 70 average.... i actually went on OUAC and accepted my offer to york when i heard that story

If I were you, I'd apply to york or ryerson right now (they still accept you i applied to mcmasters life sci at the beginning of march and got accepted within 4 days...same with ryerson). If you go somewhere like UWO or Mac you're gonna have a much harder time getting a high GPA. Also at those schools everyone's smart so you're at a disadvantage for grade curving... while at york they'll take practically anyone so you'll be more likely to be at the top percentile of the class


I scoff at that remark.

High school averages don't mean $hit!

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