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Clerkship: Rotation Locations

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I understand that most of the rotations in clerkship occur in Kingston, but I was wondering how many rotations occur outside of city limits? Do you guys ever do rotations in Belleville, Perth, Napanee, Picton/Wellington, Peterborough, or even Oshawa?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I understand that most of the rotations in clerkship occur in Kingston, but I was wondering how many rotations occur outside of city limits? Do you guys ever do rotations in Belleville, Perth, Napanee, Picton/Wellington, Peterborough, or even Oshawa?


Clerkship at Queen's is ever-changing, but personally I did a rotaton in Belleville (Peds), spent some time in Napanee (a few days of GenSurg), Peterborough (Family Medicine) and was supposed to go to Oshawa for another rotation.


Off the top of my head, at any one time ...


Oshawa typically has 2 clerks on GenSurg and 2 clerks for Psychiatry.


Peterborough typically has 2 clerks on OB/GYN.


Brockville typically has 1 clerk on OB/GYN and 2 clerks for Psychiatry.


Markham-Stouffville has 2 clerks on Psychiatry.


In my year, all clerks were supposed to do at least 1 rotation outside of Kingston. Perth was a new site for an integrated clerkship stream. Not sure if it's being offered in future years.



Hope that helps.


Class of 2011

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  • 2 weeks later...
from what i know, that is def not true in Toronto, Ottawa or Mcgill. Also not true for Mcmaster (hamilton campus)


A car certainly makes it easier to get around during clerkship. You don't need a car while in Kingston because unlike most other cities, the hospitals in Kingston are within walking distance or have a good shuttle (that runs until at least 6pm)


From what I know of Ottawa from my elective there, the hospitals are NOT within walking distance and require you to either take the half-hour shuttle (ie. takes half an hour to traverse the distance between the two main hospitals) and which ends at 5pm ... or drive.


Ditto for London. Not even sure if there's a shuttle there.


Toronto: I heard people had to cab to Sunnybrook when they were on Surgery because the TTC doesn't operate that early.


McMaster: during my elective there I was at two different hospitals and I definitely needed a car to get between them.


That's all I can say. Certainly, ask around.

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is it true that there is quite a lot of competition between 3rd and 4th year clerks for rotations in kingston? Does everyone have to leave to these other townships for some of their blocks? It sounds awfully cumbersome.


As I stated earlier, certain blocks have spots outside of Kingston and at least 1 clerk has to be there. For example, at least 1 clerk had to be in Oshawa during Surgery. In my clerkship stream of ~13 students, we decided amongst ourselves who would go there during our surgery block. Same thing for each other block where there were out-of-town placements. It can really work to your benefit to be outside of Kingston sometimes.


eg. Surgery in Oshawa - you do WAY more than you do in Kingston. This can be really, REALLY good if you're interested in Surgery.


Family medicine: only 15 students in TOTAL did their family rotations in Kingston. The rest of us went through ROMP/ERMEP/NOSM to do a rural family medicine block. Again, this is a good thing.


Just remember that staying in one place to learn medicine is not a good thing. It's a great idea to get exposure to different places, especially rural locations, because the experience you get will be different, and you are usually the only learner there which gets you better learning opportunities. Doing rural family medicine also can mean being in the ER and OR with your preceptor, depending on what they do in the community. I ended up doing a lot of Psych ER because the GP I was working with did a lot of psych call. So rural family is definitely the way to go as a learner.


It's also worth mentioning that when you are out of town for your CORE blocks, you are either provided with pretty decent housing (usually very close to the hospital or wherever you are working) or reimbursed for equivalent housing that you arrange through a community liason. Having been in the Queen's accommodations in Peterborough, Ottawa, Belleville, and Brockville, I can say that there's usually a decent-sized bed with your own bedroom, a shared kitchen with dishes, kitchen/stove, vaccuum, and high speed internet. Usually 1 or 2 other bedrooms (apartments) or up to 4 (house). So it's not too bad. You're also reimbursed for some mileage. Also worth mentioning that Peterborough gave us complimentary membership to the local YMCA and it was a gorgeous facility.


My two cents on the out of town stuff.

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