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I got accepted into UWO undergrad

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I feel like I should put this thread in this section as it deals with UWO and it is related to their medical school.


I was wondering how much support does UWO have for their undergrad students in terms of (grades, tutoring, help sessions, grading schemes, grade inflation, class averages, research help, summer research positions ect)


Do they have a Chugs program?

-chugs=chemistry undergraduate society


Do they have a Bugs program?

-bugs=biology undergraduate society


How are the professors like? How are the TAs like?

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yes, uwo has the chem club and bugs


uwo provides A LOT of support for their students. profs are generally pretty open. all first year courses (that i know of) have help sessions and the student development services has a learning help center where you can get help on academics (check out their site). marks are typically very fair (hard work = good grades). there are plenty of research positions, u just have to apply early and have the grades.


hope this helps

let me know if u have anymore questions

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