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Upper Year Courses at York/60% rule

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Hi everyone,


Just wondering if I could have some more advice from York students out there. I am thinking about the following courses for next year (I've checked that they are indeed being offered for 2011-2012), and was wondering if anyone could comment on their difficulty, prof, interest, etc. Thanks!


BIOL 2050- Ecology

BIOL 3120 - immunobiology

BIOL 3150 - microbiology

BIOL 3155 - virology

BIOL 4270 - Reproduction

BIOL 4370 - Neurobiology

BIOL 4150 - Cellular Regulation

BIOL 4010 - Biology of Cancer

BIOL 3140 - Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Laboratory


can anyone comment on the nature of the 4000 level courses? (seminar presentations? or more lecture-based?)


Also, regarding the med school rule that you must have 60% of your courseload correspond to your year, that means that a fourth year student can take a mix of 3rd/4th year courses and satisfy this requirement, correct?


And I take it that a full course load at york is 30 credits, so I'd need 18 credits to be at 3rd/4th year level for my fourth year (correct?)


Also, can I take courses beyond Biology that would count towards a biology degree? (like any psyc courses, biochem courses, etc?) And I'm pretty sure york has a human physiology course somewhere, but it doesn't look like its in the department of biology. :S


Thanks everyone for your input.

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One more question: What does HH/GL mean? (beside the course codes). Do they denote different campuses? Is it hard to get from one campus to another in time for your next class :confused:


I've never actually seen HH/GL together so I'm not sure. I know HH means Faculty of Health and GL means Glendon, I believe. The usual designators are "Faculty/Department" so it normally is something like "HH/KINE" (Faculty of Health, Department of Kinesiology).


As for your original question, a friend of mine currently registered says:


Advanced Biochem -- lots and lots of memorization but Prof. Wilson is funny and teaches well. The material is mechanistic in terms of pathways, etc. (kinda like organic chem, apparently).


Virology -- interesting, but again lots of information to memorize, more cellular based (ex. DNA of viruses, etc)

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Hi everyone,


Just wondering if I could have some more advice from York students out there. I am thinking about the following courses for next year (I've checked that they are indeed being offered for 2011-2012), and was wondering if anyone could comment on their difficulty, prof, interest, etc. Thanks!


BIOL 2050- Ecology

BIOL 3120 - immunobiology

BIOL 3150 - microbiology

BIOL 3155 - virology

BIOL 4270 - Reproduction

BIOL 4370 - Neurobiology

BIOL 4150 - Cellular Regulation

BIOL 4010 - Biology of Cancer

BIOL 3140 - Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Laboratory


can anyone comment on the nature of the 4000 level courses? (seminar presentations? or more lecture-based?)


Also, regarding the med school rule that you must have 60% of your courseload correspond to your year, that means that a fourth year student can take a mix of 3rd/4th year courses and satisfy this requirement, correct?


And I take it that a full course load at york is 30 credits, so I'd need 18 credits to be at 3rd/4th year level for my fourth year (correct?)


Also, can I take courses beyond Biology that would count towards a biology degree? (like any psyc courses, biochem courses, etc?) And I'm pretty sure york has a human physiology course somewhere, but it doesn't look like its in the department of biology. :S


Thanks everyone for your input.


My friends have taken ecology... they and everyone else has told me that its a bird course. 50% of the class gets an A. I'm going to be taking cellular regulation next year too :P


How did you know that these courses are being offered next year?


And why all bio courses? Aren't you gonna get bored of just bio???

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My friends have taken ecology... they and everyone else has told me that its a bird course. 50% of the class gets an A. I'm going to be taking cellular regulation next year too :P


How did you know that these courses are being offered next year?


And why all bio courses? Aren't you gonna get bored of just bio???


Wow, sweet! isn't the course average insanely high then?


I checked the course calendar (whatever its called?) and clicked for fall-winter 2011-2012:




And lol, no it won't be all bio courses, those were just a few i was considering, I want to take some psyc courses, and maybe arab 300/persian/history.

any suggestions for good electives?

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Of course you can take other courses towards your degree! Most kin and psych courses will also count towards your science credits. The human physiology course is offered through kinesiology. The course codes are KINE2011 and KINE3012, and both are half year (1 fall, 1 winter).


Out of the courses you listed, the only one I'm familiar with is neurobiology. I was thinking of taking it, so I took a look at the syllabus...I believe its a combination of exams and essays/assignments. Also its taught by a psych prof (Heather Jordan), so its different from neuroscience- there's lots on the vestibular system and sensation-type stuff.


Thanks! I'll check those out :)

Ugh, i'm more for things like neurotransmitters and how that affects behavior...

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also, under "Day" the course calendar has R, or T. What the heck are these? (T = thurs? tues?):confused:


T = Tuesday

R = Thursday



Any of you know of bird 3000 level KINE courses?

I'm thinking of taking Functional Neuroanatomy (KINE 3650) because I like that kind of stuff... but I need another 3000 level!


How about 3670 - Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience with Applications to Health? Or 3710 - Immune System in Health and Disease?

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T = Tuesday

R = Thursday


Thanks! Are KINE 2011 (human physio I) and KINE 3012 (human physio II) relatively easy to do well in? What do you do in the labs? And how is KINE 2031 like? (anatomy). I hate memorization, but I might just take the physio/anatomy to make my life easier for med. (dunno if that's a good call or not)

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Thanks! Are KINE 2011 (human physio I) and KINE 3012 (human physio II) relatively easy to do well in? What do you do in the labs? And how is KINE 2031 like? (anatomy). I hate memorization, but I might just take the physio/anatomy to make my life easier for med. (dunno if that's a good call or not)


2011 and 3012 are relatively straightforward. 3012 is a little more complex than 2011 but definitely do-able.


I'm taking 2031 this summer so I can't comment on that one just yet.

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I heard functional neuroanatomy was really hard...and I remember looking at the powerpoints for neurosci and they were pretty intense/scientific. Immune is supposedly a good course though, and its taught by Wu which is always a bonus :)


My friends who have taken anatomy have said that it is brutal lol. I wouldn't take it unless its mandatory. Kine 2011/3012 are easy enough- studying the day before the exam should get you an A. No labs for 2011, only 3012 and its an easy 15% of your mark.


Oh, and has anyone taken organic chem? I think I'm going to take it next year for american med pre-reqs and I'm a bit worried.


Ohh that might change things then. I liked Immune but I've heard Wu is retiring so I don't know. If she stays I'll take that!


Kine3012 labs are simple... we do simple tests on body function (respiratory function, urine analysis, hemoglobin saturation tests, etc.). Mark booster for sure.


I'm taking Organic right now...just finished studying some of the 21 chapters that are on the CUMULATIVE final ;). It is a lot of information. The labs are okay on average, but a good TA makes all the difference. The information isn't really there for you to learn, its more thrown at you and you have to try and catch it all while juggling the information you learned before.


Test 1 and 3 are 10% each, Test 2 (during december) is 20% and Final exam is 40%. You can skip any test and the value of it is automatically transferred to your final - I'm writing a 60% final. You have assignments every week online that amount to a 4% bonus if you finish at least 75% of the assignments every quarter (note: "finish" means obtaining 90% or more on the assignment). I think you can get an A (at least) in this course because many people do terribly at it for some reason. A+ is also very possible because 4% is essentially added onto your grade if you do the assignments so that 86 can become a 90 ;) ...

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Oh, and has anyone taken organic chem? I think I'm going to take it next year for american med pre-reqs and I'm a bit worried.


Orgo is awesome! You're either gonna love it or hate it. But a lot of people hate it cuz they don't know how to study for the course. They actually tell you how to study for this course at the start of the year... make sure you spend a few mins to read that. Don't treat it like your other courses!

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Orgo is awesome! You're either gonna love it or hate it. But a lot of people hate it cuz they don't know how to study for the course. They actually tell you how to study for this course at the start of the year... make sure you spend a few mins to read that. Don't treat it like your other courses!


YES! That's what I did this year and I'm on my way to an A+ :D

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Hi everyone,


Just wondering if I could have some more advice from York students out there. I am thinking about the following courses for next year (I've checked that they are indeed being offered for 2011-2012), and was wondering if anyone could comment on their difficulty, prof, interest, etc. Thanks!


BIOL 2050- Ecology

BIOL 3120 - immunobiology

BIOL 3150 - microbiology

BIOL 3155 - virology

BIOL 4270 - Reproduction

BIOL 4370 - Neurobiology

BIOL 4150 - Cellular Regulation

BIOL 4010 - Biology of Cancer

BIOL 3140 - Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Laboratory


can anyone comment on the nature of the 4000 level courses? (seminar presentations? or more lecture-based?)


Also, regarding the med school rule that you must have 60% of your courseload correspond to your year, that means that a fourth year student can take a mix of 3rd/4th year courses and satisfy this requirement, correct?


And I take it that a full course load at york is 30 credits, so I'd need 18 credits to be at 3rd/4th year level for my fourth year (correct?)


Also, can I take courses beyond Biology that would count towards a biology degree? (like any psyc courses, biochem courses, etc?) And I'm pretty sure york has a human physiology course somewhere, but it doesn't look like its in the department of biology. :S


Thanks everyone for your input.


human phys is in kine, and although I'm in first year kine, my sisters in third year and from what I hear I wouldn't recommend human physio as an "easy" course, not really a course you should take lightly. However I was recommended biomechanics for a somewhat easy course. then again it depends on your strengths and weaknesses.

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the difference between 2nd year kine and 2nd year bio is pretty huge, and 2nd year is the hardest year in the kine program but for bio it just gets harder


what? really? 2nd year kine is the hardest?! ... I guess that depends on what electives you take in 3rd and 4th year though right?



human phys is in kine, and although I'm in first year kine, my sisters in third year and from what I hear I wouldn't recommend human physio as an "easy" course, not really a course you should take lightly. However I was recommended biomechanics for a somewhat easy course. then again it depends on your strengths and weaknesses.


Phys I is easy. Phys II is relatively harder because it is much more in depth with cardiovascular/renal physiology. Phys I is pretty much all about cell systems, immunity, and muscle contraction...all of which are covered to some extent in grade 12 biology/1st year bio. Also, anatomy is a prereq for biomechanics... and biomechanics involves applications of basic physics, so if physics is your thing, biomechanics should be breezy.

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what? really? 2nd year kine is the hardest?! ... I guess that depends on what electives you take in 3rd and 4th year though right?





Phys I is easy. Phys II is relatively harder because it is much more in depth with cardiovascular/renal physiology. Phys I is pretty much all about cell systems, immunity, and muscle contraction...all of which are covered to some extent in grade 12 biology/1st year bio. Also, anatomy is a prereq for biomechanics... and biomechanics involves applications of basic physics, so if physics is your thing, biomechanics should be breezy.


Eeekk.. hate physics lol i'm taking biomech this summer though. I was told a pretty detailed course description though, sounds a lot like the "physics" (very basic) portion of calculus with vectors. Which was pretty darn easy.

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That doesn't sound too terrible...I've just been a little freaked out by the slowly shrinking size of the orgo class thats right before my bio class. Thanks for the input guys- very helpful! :)


you're in biol1010?! I swear theres an orgo class right before my bio as well hahah.

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