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Helppp please. All advises welcomed.

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Hello everyone,


First, let me introduce myself. My name is Jamny and this is my first post. I am 21 and have always had an interest in Medicine. I am an EMT and work in an ambulance company. I decided to become an EMT because I thought it would satisfy my hunger for medicine while I planned out what I really wanted to do. I became too involved and lost a lot of time, I figured I would just continue and become a Paramedic. However, I don't feel I will be satisfied and I don't want to regret for the rest of my life, not studying what I truly wanted.


For the past three years I've been panning all sorts of amazing plans. "Go to X University, get my B.S. in Microbiology or Biology. Then go to X Medical School and become a physician." I made plans to travel abroad to the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) and complete their summer pre-med program. I accomplished non of these, of course. All this time I was attending a community college and wasting my time. I was so unhappy that I started dropping the courses and focusing on work. Now I want to stop planning and DO something!


Sooooo, I came to the conclusion that I want to move to Canada and follow my dreams, as corny as it sounds. I enjoy living here is sunny Miami, Fl, but I've always wanted to see different places, and I feel this choice will help me reach my goal.


After all my rambling, my question is..... will Canadian Universities accept a G.E.D.? I have a high school diploma, but i was home schooled my senior year and that high school diploma is only accepted by Florida state Universities and Colleges. Therefore, I am getting my G.E.D. and attempting to apply with it. I'm also wondering if there any ways of improving my chances for acceptance.


Any help will be GREATLY appreciated. I'm sorry for the long message. :D

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Hello everyone,


First, let me introduce myself. My name is Jamny and this is my first post. I am 21 and have always had an interest in Medicine. I am an EMT and work in an ambulance company. I decided to become an EMT because I thought it would satisfy my hunger for medicine while I planned out what I really wanted to do. I became too involved and lost a lot of time, I figured I would just continue and become a Paramedic. However, I don't feel I will be satisfied and I don't want to regret for the rest of my life, not studying what I truly wanted.


For the past three years I've been panning all sorts of amazing plans. "Go to X University, get my B.S. in Microbiology or Biology. Then go to X Medical School and become a physician." I made plans to travel abroad to the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) and complete their summer pre-med program. I accomplished non of these, of course. All this time I was attending a community college and wasting my time. I was so unhappy that I started dropping the courses and focusing on work. Now I want to stop planning and DO something!


Sooooo, I came to the conclusion that I want to move to Canada and follow my dreams, as corny as it sounds. I enjoy living here is sunny Miami, Fl, but I've always wanted to see different places, and I feel this choice will help me reach my goal.


After all my rambling, my question is..... will Canadian Universities accept a G.E.D.? I have a high school diploma, but i was home schooled my senior year and that high school diploma is only accepted by Florida state Universities and Colleges. Therefore, I am getting my G.E.D. and attempting to apply with it. I'm also wondering if there any ways of improving my chances for acceptance.


Any help will be GREATLY appreciated. I'm sorry for the long message. :D


Welcome to the forums, and I think you posted twice so the mods will be removing your first message just for clean-up.


To give you the technical details you need usually complete an undergraduate degree to apply. Now as someone from outside of Canada, you need to first become a Canadian citizen in order to apply for some weighting rules. If you apply now to medical school you will be considered international, and I'm not sure how the rules work but generally it is very difficult to get in.


Here are the steps briefly described:


1) become a Canadian citizen

2) get your UG degree, because I don't know how transferable your credits are (you should email prospective medical schools to ask)

3) MCAT, apply through OMSAS (the service to apply to Ontario medical school) or other provinces

4) Interview -> get into medicine


I think you should focus on 1 and 2. Remember that GPA is very important in Canada so you want to stay above, as other posters have recommended, a 3.7 or 3.8 to be competitive.


I hope that helps.

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You misunderstood his question, a GED is high school level, he's asking if he can get into undergrad with it. I know you can enter college/university with one, but not all schools/programs may accept you with a GED, you'd have to check the specific ones you apply to for that.


Sorry about that - yes PhoenixFlare is right. You need to look at different programs.


Damn I'm tired tonight :(

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