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Competitve GPA

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Is this a 3.88 on a 4.0 scale? I think if it were anything less than a 3.88 you should be worried. *Serious face*


Just kidding! You're flying, that's an awesome GPA and frankly, I feel like I've just swallowed a teaspoon of jealousy upon reading your awesome GPA :P Tastes like freshly ground coffee beans... ugh...

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Is this a 3.88 on a 4.0 scale? I think if it were anything less than a 3.88 you should be worried. *Serious face*


Just kidding! You're flying, that's an awesome GPA and frankly, I feel like I've just swallowed a teaspoon of jealousy upon reading your awesome GPA :P Tastes like freshly ground coffee beans... ugh...


yeah exactly 3.88 on a 9.0 or 12.0 scale is not good... you need to boost that up if medschool is your goal

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This really depends. Even if its your cGPA. If you havent taken a full load then this GPA will probably end up being your wGPA as well. Also if you did well in year one then bad in year two then your wGPA at ottawa is even lower than 3.88 that could also put you into the non-competitive category. And lastly it depends on your MCAt as well. IF you can't meet the cut off for the "MCAT schools" like queens and western then your 3.88 will be a bit below the average for the other schools that place heavier emphasis on GPA. So again it depends on a lot of factors.

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