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Feb. 19 DAT Results?

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Thanks for calling the CDA psychlops1. It's disappointing to hear that it will be another week and a half, but now I can stop obsessively checking my mail box for a few days. :)

p.s. did they give you any reason why it's taken so much longer this year to mark the CDAT?...like more DAT test takers?

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I called the CDA yesterday. They said the marks just came in, and haven't gone out yet. Told me to give it a week and a half :(.


Darn. Thanks for giving us the heads up. Oh well, on the bright side we all can focus on our exams now :P

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everything in Canada is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.


Anyone agree on the point that CDA should seriously bring in computerized DAT system?

i mean like even SAT/AP/TOEFL takes less than this.....

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