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american application questions

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I've got a few question pertaining to US med school admissions, if someone could enlighten me a bit.


I'm a dual citizen.


1) I've heard for the US that applying earlier is better. Is there much difference between sending in my applications June 1st, or July 1st ?


2) I have a few prereq's left to do, such as my second organic chem and physics class. Will applying without these courses done have any effect on my application? Well they view it differently then someone with everything complete, or will it not matter and I would simply get a conditional offer with no worries ?


3) In terms of the MCAT, I was planning on writing it at the end of April, with results coming in beginning on June. I think I might push this back a bit. What is the timeline like for MCAT results with submission of my applications? Obviously having results before applying is ideal, but any info would be appreciated.


Thanks guys, I might ask my chances later on with MCAT results, but if anyone can help me answer these that would be great. I am making phone calls, but sometimes its hard to get a good answer.

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1) There is a difference, but the difference isn't as big as if you sent it in on June 1st vs Oct 1st. Because US school does rolling admissions (first come first review), it is in your best interest to submit early because they have more open spots


2)No, just make sure to have them done before you matriculate


3) Write when you are ready. Keep in mind you get your scores back ~30 days after you write. So if you write in april, you get your scores back in May. Assume u want to submit by June 1, you can write in April or May and still have your MCAT submitted in time. In most cases, schools wont review your file until they have the LATEST score. So if you plan to rewrite, your file will not reviewed until your SECOND score comes in.




I've got a few question pertaining to US med school admissions, if someone could enlighten me a bit.


I'm a dual citizen.


1) I've heard for the US that applying earlier is better. Is there much difference between sending in my applications June 1st, or July 1st ?


2) I have a few prereq's left to do, such as my second organic chem and physics class. Will applying without these courses done have any effect on my application? Well they view it differently then someone with everything complete, or will it not matter and I would simply get a conditional offer with no worries ?


3) In terms of the MCAT, I was planning on writing it at the end of April, with results coming in beginning on June. I think I might push this back a bit. What is the timeline like for MCAT results with submission of my applications? Obviously having results before applying is ideal, but any info would be appreciated.


Thanks guys, I might ask my chances later on with MCAT results, but if anyone can help me answer these that would be great. I am making phone calls, but sometimes its hard to get a good answer.

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Nice thanks. So you would say there's no problem applying mid July? That's when I expect to know my MCAT by, and I'd like to know my score before I waste money on apps to schools I may not get into..


Also what's involved in the secondaries? Process seems a bit daunting.

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