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Accepting from off the waitlist Question

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Hello! I interviewed at a few schools this year (in Alberta and Ontairo) and I am wondering about a waitlist situation:


Theoretically: I am waitlisted at my top choice school but admitted to another school, I will clearly be safe and accept the offer of admission in the time provided to reply. However, lets say a month later I get in off the waitlist from my top choice school...is it too late to change my mind and go to the top choice school?


Or is this even possible? Once I make an outright acceptance to one school, must I take my name off all other waitlists asap? Is this really just a question of finances and if I am willing to forgo the deposit I placed on the first school to accept me?


I am aware that it's an honor to be accepted to any med school and this is all hopeful thinking, but I would like to be prepared! Thanks a lot!

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It depends on the specific schools.


If you accept a school in Ontario, you are removed from any other Ontario waitlists automatically. You can still remain on Alberta waitlists.


If you accept a school in Alberta, you can remain on any Ontario waitlists, and the other Albertan school waitlist.


You can never hold two spots in a medical school at once.


You're allowed to change your mind and go to your top school, assuming that it fits the criteria above and you can remain on that waitlist while accepting another school. You can do this anytime up until the first day of class (assuming you're willing to let go of your deposit).

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