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What are you doing 'till May 5th?

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Just less than four days to go.


I've somehow managed to keep this off my mind for most of the weekend but I can feel the tension/worrying rising again. I have something going on that will keep me distracted until Wednesday afternoon, but after that I don't know how I'm going to deal! Waking up and checking my email on Thursday morning is going to be SO nerve wracking.

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last night I had a pitcher of beer and hung out a non-med gunner friend to take my mind off of things. think I'll repeat that tonight... and I think by wednesday my nerves will be so shot that I'll just get plastered in hopes of passing out and waking up just after they've released decisions.

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last night I had a pitcher of beer and hung out a non-med gunner friend to take my mind off of things. think I'll repeat that tonight... and I think by wednesday my nerves will be so shot that I'll just get plastered in hopes of passing out and waking up just after they've released decisions.


That's my plan!

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Check this out:


"The magnitude of the specific influence may be modest, but such small differences can be important in some cases because each year there are about 100 candidates who receive a score within 1% of the admission threshold."


Excerpt from http://www.cmaj.ca/cgi/reprint/181/12/933.


Ya I remember reading that, and I'm glad it was nice out on my interview day for Mac (lol). But its not so meaningful. Think about this case. 700 interviewed applicants, 200 accepted.


Max possible score: 100

Cutoff score: 83 (200 people above 83),

What if 90 of those have an 83 to 84, the highest score is an 87, and then things start to drop off significantly (with only 10 with 82-83).


I mean obviously the nubmers are exaggerated and bs, but its possible that that doesn't really indicate a ton of people are "super close" to getting in. To be fair, while there are strict cutoffs and high standards, people range from 3.7 to 4.0, 31 mcat to 44, great ecs to terrible, all with interviews (depending on the school). That means people are not just "all great applicants", and there is a big difference between them.

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Ya I remember reading that, and I'm glad it was nice out on my interview day for Mac (lol). But its not so meaningful. Think about this case. 700 interviewed applicants, 200 accepted.


Max possible score: 100

Cutoff score: 83 (200 people above 83),

What if 90 of those have an 83 to 84, the highest score is an 87, and then things start to drop off significantly (with only 10 with 82-83).


I mean obviously the nubmers are exaggerated and bs, but its possible that that doesn't really indicate a ton of people are "super close" to getting in. To be fair, while there are strict cutoffs and high standards, people range from 3.7 to 4.0, 31 mcat to 44, great ecs to terrible, all with interviews (depending on the school). That means people are not just "all great applicants", and there is a big difference between them.


ohh...the shear micro-values and their macro effects worry me.

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ohh...the shear micro-values and their macro effects worry me.


Ya k lol I realize that was a brutal attempty at stats haha. But what I mean is 100 within 1% means 50 rejected that were within 1% and we dont REALLY know what 1% means... so it might be less of an "OMG YA WE ARE ALL SO CLOSE" than ppl might think.

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gonna throw upppp t-minus 22 hours approximately! I can't imagine how people in previous years dealt with may 12 and may 13 releases... that extra week seems like pure TORTURE.


thank god I have work to distract me. otherwise I would be completely nonfunctional right now haha.


mac show me some love!

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