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Using Names in Your Examples. Yay or Nay?

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i think it depends on the situation... if you are talking about someone in a positive light... then by all means use their real names...


but if you are talking about someone negatively, even something as minor as 'you had an argument with him/her', then i think it'd be better to keep them anonymous.

two reasons for this: 1. makes them look bad if the interviewers agree with your argument/you successfully defend your argument 2. makes you look bad because you are likely speaking about someone, with an obvious bias, behind their back and you identified him/her... also shows a lack of confidentiality i guess

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i think it depends on the situation... if you are talking about someone in a positive light... then by all means use their real names...


but if you are talking about someone negatively, even something as minor as 'you had an argument with him/her', then i think it'd be better to keep them anonymous.

two reasons for this: 1. makes them look bad if the interviewers agree with your argument/you successfully defend your argument 2. makes you look bad because you are likely speaking about someone, with an obvious bias, behind their back and you identified him/her... also shows a lack of confidentiality i guess


I agree however wouldn't the interviewers pick up that you're only naming people when talking about the positively and using anonymus nomenclature while talking about a negative story?


Honestly I think that I would just try to stay as natural as possible and just tell the story as honestly as possible without having to think about leaving out some things and not others as this might just add to the stress of the interview.



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I was wondering though...if u forget to say names at all, can the interviewers give u a low score if ure story otherwise makes sense? I mayve forgotten to name the ppl in my interview and this is a bit worrying:(


Also another thing...ppl sometime say tht it is good to try to bring up ure research/ graduate experiences in an interview but can the quality of ure experience impact the scoring for an answer?? Thanks!

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I think its fine either way. Personally, I wouldn't name people in most situations in order to uphold confidentiality (you never know who the interviewer knows).


i think it's safest to withhold this information strictly for confidentiality reasons. Someone mentioned that it might detract from your story and make your story seem 'fake'. But in actuality, I think that if you can explain your story with enough of other specifics, it; 1. makes your story believable and 2. gives you some credibility with your response.

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I don't think it's necessary to use names. Thing is, you're supposed to make your examples as short as possible without leaving anything important out. You should use names only when necessary I'd say, and when you're REALLY getting into details and whatnot. Leaving them out does not imply that your answers are lies/fake/etc.


Also, to show that you are well-rounded, I would suggest using different examples in different settings for each of your answers. This means that chances of you talking about the same person twice is slim to none, so why use names? And even if you are talking about the same person, it would be better to have them think it's someone different.



Anyway, that's just my take on it!! :)

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In my opinion, it can get really confusing listening to a detailed story that involves several people when names aren't used. My advice would be to either identify each person by their first name, or give them a distinctive title (e.g. "my boss" or "my co-worker", etc). If there are several people in your story, try not to refer to them as he/she all the time... we may not know which person you're talking about! Interviewers are trying to get to know you and what you are like, so keep your story as straight-forward as possible!

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