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Hi i know there have been lot of threads regarding applicant chances. However I really need unbiased input. I am completing my 3rd year at UWO. I am guessing my OMSAS GPA will be around 3.4 and i have an MCAT of 33Q. I have decent ECs with a lot of hospital volunteering. I was wondering whether I have a shot at med schools in US



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1) Check if you have all the pre-reqs (read the sticky above for American schools)

2) Your GPA should be okay, your MCAT score is quite good. Some American schools weigh MCAT higher. Try to bring GPA up as high as you can.

3) Make sure you have enough money to go...


I would say you have a pretty good chance, according to previous posts.

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MCAT is good


GPA might be slightly low but people have gotten in with lower


IF you are from western, you may be in luck, AMCAS counts all western courses over 80 as 4.0. I am not sure if your GPA will get a boost from this.


I do not like this statement. Yes, a few people get in with that GPA, but that is insignificantly low in a class of 150. I wouldn't say your GPA is slightly low. I would say it will be your achilles heel. Step up and raise it or go home. I'm gonna start giving hard love on these boards.

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