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Is research necessary?


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The kind of research (lab based or clinical) doesn't matter what so ever. My research is in gas adsorption in chemical engineering which has absolutely nothing to do with medicine. The point of research is to show dedication and interest in a particular field and to gain experience with the scientific method. Research shows commitment and excellence in a particular field.


If research is not your thing, then strive for excellence in an area that interests you. For instance: varsity sports, RCM music accreditation (gr. 8+) in an instrument, club exec perhaps... the choices are endless. REMEMBER: YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN, PICK 2 OR 3 THINGS THAT YOU WILL LOVE TO DO AND COMMIT YOURSELF FULLY TO THEM, ALL TOO OFTEN APPLICANTS SPREAD THEMSELVES TOO THIN TO THE POINT OF ACCOMPLISHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

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