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Dropping Lowest Station

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I heard from several people interviewing this year that Mac will drop your lowest MMI station score. Did anyone else hear this, or know anything about it?


In previous years, they've dropped your best and worst station for a total of nine stations being evaluated for your MMI score. However, given that there were only ten actual stations this year, I don't know if they'll drop your best and worse, one of the two or none at all.

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I *really* hope they do. I think they would though, considering that one of the reasons for the MMI system is that one interaction should not sway your entire application- so if you are a good candidate but had one bad station, you should be fine, but if you are a poor candidate and had one overwhelming good station, you shouldn't slip through the cracks. The MMI is supposed to get a "picture" of your personality from many different angles, and I would believe that removing outliers would be crucial for such a process. I know they cut down a station, but perhaps this year they felt that eight stations (out of ten) was enough?

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