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Dream is over?!

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I am currently in my first year of university and am aiming to become a family physician. Coming from Regina (In province candidate:D ), I had no idea that I could have taken English or Physics in the summer. I was ravaged by these subjects and will possibly end up with an 80-82% for a first year average. :( My question is should I quit my dream of being a physician or could my grades improve next year (I am following the BMSC core platform) :confused: As well I am looking at some electives to take, namely: Econ 111, Econ 114, Phil 234, Nut 120, Arch 112, Anth 111, Medical Terminology, Psy 110, any help in which classes could potentially boost my mark will be greatly appreciated.

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Honestly although your first year grades matter, they are not the be-all-end-all of getting into med school. Many med schools drop your worst year, I think U of S takes your two best years.


In my first year I got only a 3.45 on a 4.0 scale (not sure what that is in percent, but not amazing) and it didn't seem to hurt me when it came to interviews.

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Don't forget that there is a subjective component to some medical schools gpa calculation- ie: a person that took "more difficult" classes and 5 classes per semester will probably score better than a person that took 3 classes per semester of options... and left their harder classes for the summer

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I am currently in my first year of university and am aiming to become a family physician. Coming from Regina (In province candidate:D ), I had no idea that I could have taken English or Physics in the summer. I was ravaged by these subjects and will possibly end up with an 80-82% for a first year average. :( My question is should I quit my dream of being a physician or could my grades improve next year (I am following the BMSC core platform) :confused: As well I am looking at some electives to take, namely: Econ 111, Econ 114, Phil 234, Nut 120, Arch 112, Anth 111, Medical Terminology, Psy 110, any help in which classes could potentially boost my mark will be greatly appreciated.


don't quit David, You can definitely improve your grades next year. judging by those class you wrote, those are pretty good average boosters.


Remember, not everyone in medicine got 90's in their pre-med. Some people can get into medicine with an average of less than 85%


So just learn from your mistakes this year, and get a high average in the SY of 2011-2012!!!!

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I think you should defiantly quit ;) .. Haha just kidding bud. I had a 65% average in my first year (58% in bmsc 200 lol) .. I kinda didn't really care about my grades and what not. My second year I got a 90 some average and ended up with and even higher mark on my first semester of my third year which gave me and interview and now I'm just waiting for may 16th :/.

The point im trying to make is getting an 80 average 1st year is not bad at all and you can always improve. Just work hard next year and you should be alright. Find what kinda study technique is good for you ( me = cram and allnighters before every exam lol ). start hanging out and take classes with people who wants to get in med too and you guys will be able to help and motivate eachother a lot.

Good luck

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I think you should defiantly quit ;) .. Haha just kidding bud. I had a 65% average in my first year (58% in bmsc 200 lol) .. I kinda didn't really care about my grades and what not. My second year I got a 90 some average and ended up with and even higher mark on my first semester of my third year which gave me and interview and now I'm just waiting for may 16th :/.

The point im trying to make is getting an 80 average 1st year is not bad at all and you can always improve. Just work hard next year and you should be alright. Find what kinda study technique is good for you ( me = cram and allnighters before every exam lol ). start hanging out and take classes with people who wants to get in med too and you guys will be able to help and motivate eachother a lot.

Good luck


hey, so to get an offer for interview, do they take the best two years that has been completed?

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hey, so to get an offer for interview, do they take the best two years that has been completed?


Nope they take the best previous 2 years if they you have 2 good ones completed, but if not they would count 1 previous year along with the first semester average of the year you are applying and counted as the average for the whole year, but that's only in regards to getting an interview. For acceptance they wait until ur term 2 marks are up and recalculate the average.

Hope that helped

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My question is should I quit my dream of being a physician or could my grades improve next year (I am following the BMSC core platform) :confused: As well I am looking at some electives to take, namely: Econ 111, Econ 114, Phil 234, Nut 120, Arch 112, Anth 111, Medical Terminology, Psy 110, any help in which classes could potentially boost my mark will be greatly appreciated.


No point quitting, UofS only takes your best 2 years, I wouldn't recommend taking the BMSC core platform though, some of them are quite tough/a lot of work compared to what you could be doing otherwise. I think doing a straight biology major might be better for your grades.


Econ 111, 114, Psy 110 are all great.


I can't really comment on the others, but I wouldn't recommend Phil 234, it could be a mark in the 70s if you're not lucky (kinda like english in that sense). Good luck.

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Lol bio degree = u will get rapped. Every freaking class has a lab and some labs are the equivalent of classes or even harder. the only easy class that is a 200 lvl is 224 which is offered as a bmsc as well.

Idk nothing is real easy but with hard work u can do well in everything I guess.

Sorry if I'm too harsh on bio but I hate biology except for bio 120.

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Lol bio degree = u will get rapped. Every freaking class has a lab and some labs are the equivalent of classes or even harder. the only easy class that is a 200 lvl is 224 which is offered as a bmsc as well.

Idk nothing is real easy but with hard work u can do well in everything I guess.

Sorry if I'm too harsh on bio but I hate biology except for bio 120.


My peers have commented on how straightforward it is to get good grades in bio, if you put in a reasonable amount of work. Perhaps your anecdotal experience has been different. Neither did I say that bio didn't involve much work, but I do think you can do well much more reliable in bio that many other programs (an extreme at the other end would probably be philosophy or english)


Doesn't the medical admission committee prefer students who have undertaken the BMSC core platform?


I don't think they take any preference based on major.

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they look at your best two years and THATS IT. there is no comparing between students besides what their average is.

also, for "average booster" classes, everyone is different...i took calculus for mine...but psych and med terms are a good bet.

it's only your first year so dont freak out...i would aim to get in after three or four years, and enjoy undergrad while you can!

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Honestly although your first year grades matter, they are not the be-all-end-all of getting into med school. Many med schools drop your worst year, I think U of S takes your two best years.


In my first year I got only a 3.45 on a 4.0 scale (not sure what that is in percent, but not amazing) and it didn't seem to hurt me when it came to interviews.


lol is this true or are u assumingg

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