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How much is an abstract/conference presentation worth compared to a manuscript?


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Just thought I'd throw this out there... I think it would be interesting to crowd source this one since there is a really good mix of backgrounds on these forums. I have even heard that in some fields (theology maybe?) presenting at a conference is better than publishing in an academic journal. I am asking in general but I am sure we will be talking in terms of what a person reviewing your meds application would think of a couple abstracts vs a paper. Questions:


1. How much is an abstract/conference presentation worth compared to a manuscript? Like literally in terms of how many abstracts would be equivalent to a paper.


2. What are the conditions that would alter the general rule? IE, one Nature paper in place of anything else or the size/prestige of the the conference...

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It is harder to get an abstract accepted at some conferences than to get an article published in some journals, so I would take that into consideration (also depends on your article type - I would be more interested in the quality of your work and amount of your contribution, as someone without a grad school background). That being said, not everyone reviewing your application will be equally knowledgeable about the rigour of the conference/journal, although I assume most everyone would have heard of Nature.

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