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Activity Verification

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My verifier was contacted by UC and she was nice enough to send the same copy of email to me as well. AND I just found out that the info that I provided in the application form to UC was incorrect by one year. I wrote that I started this activity in jan 2007, but I was mistaken and it was actually jan 2008... and because of that and the automatic calculation online counted the summers inbetween the academic years, the total volunteer hours on the application look ridiculously greater than the actual number of hours that I did. I am freaking out for this discrepancy... Any advise? should I contact UC and explain? *SIGH*

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This happened to a friend of mine. Unfortunately, I don't think U of C has time to let every applicant explain. My friend called, and tried to explain but one of the ladies said that they couldn't help her because they were not part of the review committee. The worse that will happen is they will not give you credit for that activity (I'm sure they WON'T throw your application out!). However, since the verifier confirmed your involvement you may get partial credit. I wouldn't have a heart attack about it, it happens. There are so many activities to fill in, mistakes are bound to be made. What they'll most likely do is call some of your other verifiers to make sure that your other activities are correct, so if this was just one mistake, you shouldn't worry.


On a side note, do all applicants get their verifiers called? or is it a random draw?

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This is a response by Dr. Walker (UofC Admissions Officer) to a question about such a situation in the UC Admissions Blog.




Thanks for asking. If there is one thing I have learned over the last 6 months or so of doing this blog it is that we have done a really terrible job of conveying to our applicants the amount of effort that goes into trying to create a fair and equitable system.

Absolutely you will be given an opportunity to respond. Commonly things don’t quite line up – you say you volunteered until March, the verifier says Feb. We are not really worried about stuff like that, unless there is a recurring pattern. Every once in a while though, we have someone who claims to have worked 4 hours a week for two years, and turns out to have worked 2-3 hours a week, missed 30% of their shifts, and only done 14 months. That is a problem.

At the end of the day, what we are concerned about are cases of clear intent to misrepresent oneself, and every year we find a couple.

If you were honest on your application, you have nothing to worry about.

Oh, and I should also say that we are not worried about people who made a gross calculation error, and thus find themselves reporting 28,000 hours of service in some after school program for teenagers, etc… We caught all those at file review.

At the end of the day, we are trying our best to do fair assessments. As much as we may seem like the scary gatekeeper (I am having a vision of the Black Knight from Monty Python’s Holy Grail here –

), but we really aren’t.


I wouldn't worry about it. It is a simple mistake, and I think that the review team will see that fairly easily.

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...the automatic calculation online counted the summers inbetween the academic years...


I would bet that this thing in particular happens to A LOT of people. It should be obvious that you weren't actually trying to falsify anything, it was just a simple mistake (and one that I'm sure other people made, too!). :)

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Thank you guys!!! I feel a lot better. yes I am sure that it is the only mistake that I made... I`ve always wondered if anyone would try to make what they did bigger than it actually is... and when I found out this morning that I myself must have looked like one of those, it instantly made me feel SO terrible.. it was just a "WOW" moment with eyes wide open and getting a hit in the head. anyways, thank you so much everyone for prompt replies and i haven`t been more thankful than today that there is a forum like this to talk to people like you guys :o


good luck to everyone! ;) hope to see many of you in UC this year...hopefully...haha

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Re: the side question about who gets verified... I know it is supposed to be 'random' but it doesn't make any sense to me that they would send the time verifying people at the bottom of the list. I mean there must have been definite 'nos' at the bottom of the list post-mmi whose scores couldn't have been rectified by the essay... Why would they verify the longshots?

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We're starting speculation here, but even those at the "bottom of the list" still stand to get accepted off the waitlist as a possibility.


Also, you're assuming the people who are verifying has access to a ranked list of applicants, if that even exists at the point in time.

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