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Waitlist movement

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Does the waitlist move significantly before the May 27th deadline?


Mac's my first choice, but I've been accepted at other schools...so I'd like to give them time to respond to me before I accept another school's offer.

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Hey guys

I've decided not to put myself through more of the anticipation of the last 6 weeks

Although grateful for the opportunity to be placed on the WL, I've decided to consider it unlikely that i'll be offered admission this year. Rather than obsessively checking email for the entire month of May, i'll re-write the MCAT, give it another go in the next round of apps and move on with the rest of my life!


Good luck to everyone on the WL and congrats to those accepted

it's been a great experience

i've learned a lot

and have discovered support and cheerleaders that i didn't know i had!


'till next time!

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