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New student forum not working?

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I also tried to check out the forum today and ran into trouble. However, I ran into problems trying to figure out how to log in - it required an email address ( which I don't think we got in our acceptance packages.. I could be wrong) Any advice on how to access it would be greatly appreciated!!!

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I also tried to check out the forum today and ran into trouble. However, I ran into problems trying to figure out how to log in - it required an email address ( which I don't think we got in our acceptance packages.. I could be wrong) Any advice on how to access it would be greatly appreciated!!!


You can register through the link on top right.


But yea, I can't find the incoming med forum anywhere! It has probably been created(hence the link) - maybe the admins on the site haven't made it accessible yet?

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Hi all,


The forum has been up and running, with upper year students ready to greet you. BUT it seems there is some glitch that is preventing the forum from showing up when you follow the link you received. I've alerted the Tech staff to this and will follow up with more news as soon as it is available.


Till then, may you find solace in this wise saying:


"To err is Human but to REALLY screw up, you need a computer!"


Thanks for posting this!

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Yup, the forums are working now! Once you've registered onto the website (using any email), you will see the forum "Mcmaster MD Students Discussions" under the "Programs" option. Click on the link and request membership!


Talk to y'all soon!

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