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I applied to the US last year but I think I did it way way to late(late october). I didn't get a single interview(in the US, I interviewed at Queens and UBC in Canada) and I applied broadly. Should I reapply this year with these stats as my Canadian schools have not worked out(waitlisted at both):


BCPM GPA: 3.88

AO GPA: 3.38

Overall : 3.61

MCAT: 12/10/12 Q PS/VR/BS WS - 34Q


My LORs were good: a doctor I knew from disaster relief, a volunteer coordinator and a Professor whom I had a great relationship with.


My ECs: were great as well: lots of sports, hospital volunteering, research ( conferences and papers published), solo travel, involved in student clubs for international relations, volunteered and worked abroad in disaster relief.


I feel like I should at least get an interview somewhere with these. Can someone recommend some schools to apply to where I have a good shot of getting an interview?

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Just a heads up, reapplicants in the States are judged more harshly than new applicants. Your misfortune was probably strongly due to finishing your application so late. But even so, you may need to make significant changes to your primary/secondaries, hopefully you have a lot of new activities to add to your primary this year.

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Do I have a chance of getting into these schools or should I put more backups?


Albert Einstein

UCLA - David Geffen





George Washington

Mount Sinai


Rosalind Franklin



Is this too many? Can someone give me some pointers on school selection? I looked at the programs of each of these schools and I think I would be happy at any of them. Obviously there are other factors beside program but I think I could live in any of these cities as well for 4 years.

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Do I have a chance of getting into these schools or should I put more backups?


Albert Einstein

UCLA - David Geffen





George Washington

Mount Sinai


Rosalind Franklin



Is this too many? Can someone give me some pointers on school selection? I looked at the programs of each of these schools and I think I would be happy at any of them. Obviously there are other factors beside program but I think I could live in any of these cities as well for 4 years.



It's very difficult to get into any of the UCs. From what I gathered from other ppl I met on the interview trail, many Californians end up in the east coast simply because Cali is super competitive and spots are limited. It probbly wouldn't hurt to add a few more schools if you can afford to (time and money wise). I think ppl typically apply to maybe 15-20?

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Yeah, to echo mlbn, apply to around 15-20 schools if you're serious about the US. Don't apply to places you don't want to travel to or live. Find out whether financial aid or merit aid is offered for international students at the schools you're thinking about. I would also consider adding BU, Upstate, VCU, Case -- all Canadian-friendly and have accepted people on these boards in the past. BU and Case also have merit scholarships that Canadians are eligible for.

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