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Chemistry or no chemistry?

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Hi guys,

so I'm in a bit of a crisis here.

I just wrapped up my 2nd year of Biology with a very low gpa.

I got just under passing for my split chemistry courses for 1st year.

Because of this I have not taken Biochem or Organic chemistry - I looked up the prereqs for ontario med schools and I found most do not require chemistry or orgo as a prereq (except for 2 schools I think).

I was going to take an MCAT prep course this summer but they advised me to first take chemistry and orgo.

I am constantly told mixed opinions about this, but I'm afraid if I take it I wont achieve a high grade, or there is a very slim chance of getting a fantastic grade.

I also enrolled into a "intro to physics" course for the summer because I havent taken any physics before.


so the question is, should I take chemistry this summer? it will take until august to complete both chem courses.

(and maybe if anyone knows any implications with summer courses and med school?)


Please help me, my school's academic advisors did not give me direct answers that left me unsatisfied and still confused with what I have to do.


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Okay. Here's a suggestion for you:


The prep course will not help. I'm in a TPR course right now - although the instructors are all very nice and some are very attractive individuals, they are assuming that you will a) go home and study your ass off so that you come to class prepared or B) you have some sort of background mastery of at LEAST one of the subjects. It's been two years since those subjects and I'm going at a good pace because of both, but for people who have not taken gr 12 physics at LEAST or a UG physics level 1 are struggling so hard with just gravity. The prep course again, serves as a REVIEW not as an in-depth INSTRUCTION.


This leaves you with a bit of a dilemma. Your GPA is a bit murky I presume so that you probably don't want your cGPA shot for Mac or Calgary as summer courses are counted. So go get a tutor to teach you the topics, and book a VERY late MCAT date (say....late september) or something like that. Start learning VR and WS right now, and let your tutor help for orgo/chem/bio/physics. It's a bit expensive, but it's one solution that won't hurt your GPA (which is King. MCAT is Queen) and you can just take the MCAT as a precursor to next summer, so you have SOME accumulated background.


This depends on 1) money 2) working your ass off. This summer if you want to do the MCAT, it's probably not a good idea to work.


Also grab some prep books. I recommend TPR for being extensive, but don't forget your old textbooks as well. They will help.


This is just my idea.

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First rule of successful people: learn to love what you hate/fear


You need to turn you mindset and attitude around. Believe that you will do well. Believe that you will learn the material. Once you have a positive attitude, put a plan of action into place to achievenyour desired result.

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So go get a tutor to teach you the topics, and book a VERY late MCAT date (say....late september) or something like that. Start learning VR and WS right now, and let your tutor help for orgo/chem/bio/physics. It's a bit expensive, but it's one solution that won't hurt your GPA (which is King. MCAT is Queen) and you can just take the MCAT as a precursor to next summer, so you have SOME accumulated background.


This depends on 1) money 2) working your ass off. This summer if you want to do the MCAT, it's probably not a good idea to work.


so should I take MCAT this summer? I was told by Kaplan to take it only once.

But with my gpa, I'm afraid I wont do good at all. They advised me to take it next year after having taken chem, orgo, and physics.

Also, should I just get a tutor for those courses? or should I actually enroll in the programs??


(also thank you for your indepth response)

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Take it as a "pre-cursor" to your real MCAT. Science and VR/WS needs exposure - the more you've done the questions, the more comfortable with it you will be. A skill is not necessarily innate - looking at this study:




You can see that somewhat, "skill" is dependent on the exposure (i.e. practice). The more you do, the better you get. Right now, diving headfirst is wishing for a minor chance that somehow, you will turn into a physics god over the next 3 months. Better to slowly but surely win the race.


In answering your question, I wouldn't take the university level courses. The physics on the MCAT is grade 12 level, and the chem is somewhat year I basic and orgo is very basic as well. The real mess-up for many many brighter individuals than myself is VR and WS - ironically that's what med schools are looking for in applicants instead. Grab a tutor so that you won't affect your GPA, and self-study the MCAT on the side using a few books- do not take the course yet. You can use the tutor to help you with the MCAT material. If you DESPERATELY need these courses for pre-reqs (which not many med schools come to mind that need all of them, not even Ottawa) then take the course. Otherwise take this summer to build a better foundation for future stakes.


Just my 2 cents. I think this strategy avoids hurting your GPA, which is very very important and also somewhat prepares you for the MCAT. Your summer and wallet will take a hit though, but you need to sacrifice something - that's the law of equivocal exchange.

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so should I take MCAT this summer? I was told by Kaplan to take it only once.

But with my gpa, I'm afraid I wont do good at all. They advised me to take it next year after having taken chem, orgo, and physics.

Also, should I just get a tutor for those courses? or should I actually enroll in the programs??


(also thank you for your indepth response)


I would take this advice with a grain of salt. Obviously, you don't want to write the mcat multiple times ( it's a money and time drainer) and you want to be ready so you only need to write it once. Also, some US schools do frown upon multiple writes. But.. with that said, I personally wrote it twice ( and I've seen many other's on this forum who have as well and have been successful).

What is most important is that you have realistic awareness of where you are at and what your strengths are. Are you afraid you won't do well because you have already been struggling in your courses? Or because you are a bit nervous after speaking with the kaplan?

It takes a lot of work to study for the mcat - especially if you haven't taken all the pre-req courses ( I had never taken a physic's class in my life - not even high school) but, it is possible. I think the humanmacbook has some great suggestions for you, but it will take hard work.


Also you need to be really honest with yourself, if you feel that you might not be ready this summer - wait. There is nothing wrong with waiting! (especially if you just finished your second year!)

best of luck!

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First rule of successful people: learn to love what you hate/fear


You need to turn you mindset and attitude around. Believe that you will do well. Believe that you will learn the material. Once you have a positive attitude, put a plan of action into place to achievenyour desired result.


That's a good rule.

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Grab a tutor so that you won't affect your GPA, and self-study the MCAT on the side using a few books- do not take the course yet. You can use the tutor to help you with the MCAT material. If you DESPERATELY need these courses for pre-reqs (which not many med schools come to mind that need all of them, not even Ottawa) then take the course. Otherwise take this summer to build a better foundation for future stakes.


What is most important is that you have realistic awareness of where you are at and what your strengths are. Are you afraid you won't do well because you have already been struggling in your courses?


... I think the humanmacbook has some great suggestions for you, but it will take hard work.


Thanks guys for the help!

This summer I'm going to take a grade 12 equivalent Physics course, which I'll also need for my program (Biology), while studying MCAT materials (exam krackers, sample exams, etc) and getting tutors for chemistry and maybe physics.


The biggest issue however, is my GPA, which is about 1.5.

I am in a BSc Biology program in my 2nd year and I've gotten mainly C+s and D's and when I went to my academic advisors for help, they said I have "no chance" to get into a med school in Canada but I could at other countries and pretty much ended on that note... it was devasting, but I am still determined to at least try despite what they have said and I am leaning towards the idea of going for a grad program, given I make some drastic changes in my academics.



What are my options?

(although unlikely) Has anyone been in this situation?

What can I do to optimize my chances of getting into med school? (asides from spending this summer to prepare for my MCAT and getting tutors as humanmacbook suggested)


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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See non-trads forum.


My advice is to work harder on your next few years to open up western and Queens, and Dal. the road is a bit harder, but med school can be seen as a state function - it doesn't matter on how others get there, just make sure you drive yourself to completion.


God MCAT is starting to hurt me and my sense of humour.

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See non-trads forum.


My advice is to work harder on your next few years to open up western and Queens, and Dal. the road is a bit harder, but med school can be seen as a state function - it doesn't matter on how others get there, just make sure you drive yourself to completion.


God MCAT is starting to hurt me and my sense of humour.


That was a great comparison. I have been reviewing state functions today. MCAT science jokes are the best!



But to the OP. I was in a similar situation a number of years ago. I had to seriously reevaluate my goals and then try my best and see what I was capable of. I was very discouraged and had to work my butt off to rebuild my academic self confidence. After giving school a full effort, I found out that I can get really good mark. I have put in a few solid years now, and I think I am pretty competitive applicant for some schools in Canada. I guess we will see next year!

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