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Questions about Mac/Hamilton vs UBC

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Hey, everyone! Much to my surprise, I was sent an offer of admission to both McMaster and UBC (VFMP) - unfortunately, because I wasn't expecting to get into UBC, I'm having a really tough time making a decision here (although I'm not sure if this is really "unfortunate"...)


I had a few things to ask with regards to the curriculum at Mac, and about Hamilton itself (especially in relation to Vancouver). Here's a short list of what I've gotten from browsing the forums/searching past topics (the statements marked with a ? indicate that I'm not entirely sure about it...which come to think of it, should really be on every single one):


Mac Pros

+ PBL (I've read about it, and it definitely seems like I'd enjoy it more than lectures)

+ There's early clinical exposure, and you have the chance to do lots of electives

+ Great campus (I loved it during the tour)

+(?) 3 year program

+(?) Laid back atmosphere/more collegial

+ Closer to home (I'm from the east coast, so it would be only be one flight...but I suppose there wouldn't be too much vacation time anyways ;) )

+(?) Better training for community health/public health, family medicine, and psychiatry (all areas that are definitely an interest, but I have no idea what I'll eventually specialize in, and that "pro" might not even be true, so I'd love input on this one)

+(?) Administration/staff will help you out


Mac Cons

- 3 year program

-(?) It's in Hamilton

-(?) Burnout

-(?) No vacation time


Mac Questions

1. How is Hamilton in terms of the local music scene? I play cello with a few groups in the city currently and electric guitar for a band, so I'd like to know what it's like in Hamilton.

2. How much free time would one have to participate in things like bar shows, band practices, campus groups, and all that jazz?

3. For the first set of block electives, is it possible to do them outside of Hamilton?


UBC Pros (note: a lot of this stuff may be outdated, because the forum posts were from 2002-2007, so current info would be appreciated!)

+ It's in Vancouver

+(?) Good mixture of PBL and lecturing

+(?) Could possibly do shadowing/observerships/horizontal electives at Insite?

+ ...it's in Vancouver?


UBC Cons

-(?) I've read a few bad things about the medical expansion on this site (but again, that was a few years back - I'd like to hear input from students about what it's like now)

-(?) Administration doesn't do a lot to help you

-(?) Less clinical exposure due to too many people

-(?) I don't know the campus/facilities; I wasn't able to tour after my interview

-(?) A whole block of exams at one time, rather than spread out


UBC Questions

1. There's not much about the program on UBC Med's website, so more information about how it is now would be good.

2. How much free time does a typical medical student have?

3. How helpful is the faculty/how well do they teach?

4. Is it possible to do shadowing at Insite? I think that it would be an interesting place to work/shadow at, and I'd love to have more info.


Sorry for the wall of text :P . I made a pretty much identical post in the UBC forum (to hear from them as well), and thanks in advance for the advice!

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I'm a Mac student and can answer those questions!


So PBL is definitely a pro in my books - I love it. A lot more flexibility with your time since most learning is self-directed. This means that yes, you do have lots of flexibility around band practices and campus groups. We have a lot of 'free time' to work with, and when you study versus when you have your leisure time is really up to you. I tend to like doing a 9-5 school-related activity type thing, and then have my evenings to myself.


I think the 3 year program is a plus, because I have had enough of university. I know that some people really miss their summers. Also, you do have to make a bit of a speedier decision for carms applications, which can be tough.


I'm not sure about how much more laid back the atmosphere. Not having 9-5 lectures or massive exams (we have a test every 3 weeks, but it is taken up in your tutorial and is still pass/fail) probably helps in this regard. However, the student body in any medical school is made up of keeners/competitive people, so there is still pressure and anxiety over measuring up. This can be hard when you don't have marks to really gauge where you are.


Family medicine is a pretty big emphasis at Mac - we have the most students who go on to family med as their speciality. There are a lot of family docs in the area who love having learners around. I don't know if this is necessarily 'better' than other universities though. Someone else may be able to comment on that.


Our admin is amazing! They knew my name and face before I even knew theirs. You couldn't ask for a friendlier or more helpful group of admin. They really look out for you.


I think burnout is a potential at any medical school. I wouldn't want a summer though - I've had enough of working minimum wage for 4 months, I'd rather just power through and have a 'real job' at the end.


I do like Hamilton. There are ugly parts, sure, but the West End is pretty nice. I live right near a beautiful trail and go for hikes and bike rides all the time. Nothing like climbing around waterfalls on the weekend! If you're into nature, Hamilton is a pro, not a con.


So to answer your questions -


1. Couldn't tell you much. The Hamilton philharmonic has regular shows at discounted prices for people under 30 (It's $11) and I love going. There are some bars with great open mic nights, but that is really the extent of my knowledge.


2. How much free time is up to you - some people study more than others, and it may depend on how familiar you are with the material. If, like me, first year med school is the first time you ever hear the word cytokine, you'll be putting in a lot of hours. I think everyone can make enough free time for hobbies! Working out, relaxing, socialising are all important parts of being a good and functional doctor, so if it's important to you, you will make time for it. It is probably much easier to do at Mac than at more structured lecture programs, just because you are not constrained by that same 9-5 schedule.


3. You can absolutely do the summer block electives outside of Hamilton. A lot of people are heading back to home towns or travelling abroad - I'm returning to the city in England where I did my undergrad.

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I think you also need to consider cost of living and environment you're living in. UBC is a beautiful, beautiful place. I love Hamilton, but it's not Vancouver. On the flip side, there's the rain and cost of living in Vancouver. Really all depends on what you value the most! Good luck!

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I can't find stats to quote, but I do know that Mac students do slightly better than the national average in getting their 1st choice specialities.


There are a lot of opportunities in pre-clerkship to explore specialties and gain experience in competitive ones.

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I can't find stats to quote, but I do know that Mac students do slightly better than the national average in getting their 1st choice specialities.


There are a lot of opportunities in pre-clerkship to explore specialties and gain experience in competitive ones.


But you have to bear in mind that the class at Mac is very geared toward family medicine. UofT may have a lower match rate, for example, but that is because a high proportion of students are competing for very competitive residencies. So if more people at Mac were gunning for derm, that average would drop :P

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Thanks for the input, everyone! I just made my decision, and even though I know that Mac is a wonderfully awesome school, it looks like I'll be attending UBC in the fall.





I definitely would've made the same choice. Congrats for your admission!

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