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Can anybody tell me what my chances are?

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I just graduated, enrolling into a one-year Masters. I didn't do very well in my undergrad and didn't start thinking about medschool till pretty late, do I still have a shot?


GPA: 3.5

Did badly second year (3.1) and not very well overall (3.6-3.7 for other years)


MCAT: BS: 11, PS: 13, V: 10, Q

I'm planning on retaking my MCATs mid July, I'm pretty sure I can get it to 38Q, R if I get lucky.


My extracurriculars are below average, mostly because I had a part-time job for my first three years of school.Had another job this year.

Did summer research, then research course in my last year, don't know if that helps.

I never volunteered at a hospital or clinic.


Do I have a shot if I apply this year?

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DONT RETAKE the MCAT. A 34 is really good for us schools. A 3.5/34 will get you into a US school if you apply early and broadly. If you retake and go down, you reduce your chances at admissions dramatically (schools look down on decreased MCAT+you are now applying late).


My advice: Start to work on your AMCAS application and send it in on the first day. Check the accepted list for some schools that match your stats.


Good luck

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