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Fact or Fiction - UO Q's

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I have read many great things about the University of Ottawa's medical school on this site and it really does sound like there are a lot of unique strengths to this program. However, I have heard somethings about UO I haven't seen addressed in this forum. If anyone is able to provide a bit of insight on these issues it would be greatly appreciated!


1. What are the assessment methods employed at UO? I heard that there are cumulative exams that are very dispersed and cover tons of info.


2. I haven't been able to find a UO student medical society (or similar) online, does UO have a society, or even a strong extracurricular student life?


3. I have heard that UO is one of the few schools that will still show your actual marks (not P/F) to future employers. I realize that P/F is employed for matching and maybe on your transcript, but are your actual marks still recorded?


4. How 'self-directed' is the learning? I am all for PBL and small group learning, but I think these tools are excellent for strengthening the material learned in lectures, not as an independent teaching method. How does this work at UO?


OK, well that's all for now! Thanks!

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1. What are the assessment methods employed at UO? I heard that there are cumulative exams that are very dispersed and cover tons of info.


Mid term and then a cumulative final. We have a midterm roughly every 6 weeks. The finals are big and require a good effort, but I've enjoyed it rather than having an assessment every 2 weeks and always studying. That said, it's a personal preference.


Exams have a lab component too, and a part of our mark comes from SIM (which is the social/epidemiological side of things) SIM has been tested both in multiple choice and as an essay this year.


2. I haven't been able to find a UO student medical society (or similar) online, does UO have a society, or even a strong extracurricular student life?


Aesculapian society - http://thebigsociety.ca/Home.html

New website is in construction, but that will be where you'll find info


Extra-curriculars are great, you can do as much as you'd like, and there's always the option of starting something if it doesn't exist.


3. I have heard that UO is one of the few schools that will still show your actual marks (not P/F) to future employers. I realize that P/F is employed for matching and maybe on your transcript, but are your actual marks still recorded?


I've never heard this? We get a mark sent to us after exams, but if I pull a preview of my transcript from the registrar it's all P's. As for future employers? I'm not sure who would even want your marks and even if they did want them, you'd be providing the transcript, not the school?


4. How 'self-directed' is the learning? I am all for PBL and small group learning, but I think these tools are excellent for strengthening the material learned in lectures, not as an independent teaching method. How does this work at UO?


(1st yr) Monday - Lectures, Tuesday - CBL, Wednesday - More lectures, Thursday - Labs and Physician Skills, Friday - CBL part 2 and a review lecture of the week.


That's a very simplified version of our schedule. As you can see the CBL's build on our lecture. The difference between CBL and PBL is we get objectives and resources prior to the case to prepare with. We also have self learning modules where we're expected to do online lessons either to learn certain concepts or reinforce others. Hope that helps

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